李建培 Jianpei Li Professor, Ph.D. in Economics University of International Business and Economics, School of International Trade and Economics, East Huixin Street No. 10, Beijing 100029, China E-Mail: lijianpei@uibe.edu.cn, lijianpei2007@gmail.com Education 01. 2004-11. 2007 | Ph.D. in economics, School of Economics and Business, Humboldt University at Berlin Dissertation: Three essays on Efficiency and Incentives in Teams and Partnerships Supervisors: Prof. Elmar Wolfstetter, Prof. Ulrich Kamecke Colloquium: November 22, 2007 | 10. 2001-12.2003 | M.A. in Economics and Management Science, School of Economics and Business, Humboldt University at Berlin | 10.1993-07.1997 | B.A. in English, University of Science and Technology, Beijing |
Research InterestsApplied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Contract theory, Law and Economics Refereed Publications1. Behavior-based Pricing and Signaling of Product Quality, joint with Wanzhu Zhang, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 34, 139-173, 2025 2. Expert Costs and the Role of Verifiability, joint with Yaofu Ouyang and Wanzhu Zhang, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 180(1), 17-24, 2024 3. Efficient Liability in Expert Markets, joint with Yongmin Chen and Jin Zhang, International Economic Review, 63(4), 1717-1744, 2022 4. Signaling versus Auditing, joint with Helmut Bester and Matthias Lang, RAND Journal of Economics, 52, 859-883, 2021 5. Competitive Differential Pricing, joint with Yongmin Chen and Marius Schwartz, RAND Journal of Economics, 52, 100-124, 2021 6. Bundled Procurement, joint with Yongmin Chen, Journal of Public Economics, 159, 116-127, 2018 7. How to Share it Out: the Value of Information in Teams, joint with Alex Gershkov and Paul Schweinzer, Journal of Economic Theory, 162, 261-304, 2016 8. Contracting for Infrastructure Projects as Credence Goods, joint with Uwe Dulleck and Gong Jiong, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17, 328-345, 2015 9. Per Unit vs. Ad Valorem Royalties under Asymmetric Information, joint with John S. Heywood and Guangliang Ye, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 37, 38-46, 2014 10. Bid Coordination in Split-award Procurement: the Buyer need not Know Anything, joint with Parimal K Bag, Economics Letters, 124, 143-146, 2014 11. Speculative Partnership Dissolution with Auctions, joint with Ludwig Ensthaler and Thomas Giebe, Review of Economic Design, 18, 127-150, 2014 12. Partnership Dissolution and Proprietary Information, joint with Yi Xue and Weixing Wu, Social Choice and Welfare, 40, 495-527, 2013 13. Split-award Contracts with Investment, joint with Jiong Gong and R. Preston McAfee, Journal of Public Economics, 96, 188-197, 2012 14. Partnership Dissolution, Complementarity, and Investment Incentives, joint with Elmar Wolfstetter, Oxford Economic Papers, 62, 529-552, 2010 15. Team Production with Inequity-averse Agents, Portuguese Economic Journal, 8, 119-136, 2009 16. Efficient Tournaments within Teams, joint with Alex Gershkov and Paul Schweinzer, RAND Journal of Economics, 40, 103-119, 2009 17. 差别定价最新研究进展及政策启示,与廉涛、张晚烛合作,《管理学刊》2021 年4月反垄断专题,第34卷第2期 Working Papers1. The Value of Anonymous Option, joint with Wanzhu Zhang, MPRA Working Paper No. 124009 2. Ex ante versus ex post Contract in Expert Market, joint with Yongmin Chen, work in progress 3. A Theory of Entrepreneurship, joint with Alex Gershkov and Paul Schweinzer, work in progress 4. Cost-Reducing Effect of Informative Advertising, joint with Wanzhu Zhang, work in progress 5. Efficiency in strategic form games: A little trust can go a long way, joint with Paul Schweinzer Research Grants and Awards03.2004-12.2007 | Member of DFG Sonderforschungsbereich Transgio15 (SFB/TR15), Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems | 12.2008-12.2011 | “211 project”, Incentive Mechanisms in Teams and Partnerships, PI. | 01.2011-12.2013 | National Natural Science Foundation of China(国家自然科学基金青年项目), Project No. 71002001, PI. | 01.2012-12.2014 | Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation(霍英东教育基金会第十三届高等院校青年教师基础性课题), Project No.131084, PI. | 05.2010-05.2013 | UIBE research group funding:Microeconomic Theory Research Group(对外经济贸易大学学术创新团队建设项目:微观经济理论学术创新团队), Project No. CXTD1-06, project coordinator. |
| 06.2013-05.2015 10.2013-09.2016 09.2015-08.2018 10.2018 01.2021-12.2023 | UIBE Program for Excellent Talents(对外经济贸易大学杰出青年培育项目), Project No.13JQ02, PI. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划,Project No. NCET-13-0726, PI. 对外经贸大学惠园学者 中国信息经济学会,乌家培奖 校级科研课题,Project No. 20YB06, PI. |
| 10.2022-06.2026 | 国家社科基金重点项目,项目号:22AJL014,PI. |
Refereeing ActivitiesReferee for Canadian Journal of Economics; Bulletin of Economic Research; BE Journal of Theoretical Economics; the Economic Analysis and Policy; Economics Bulletin; Economic Inquiry; European Economic Review; Games and Economic Behaviour; International Journal of Industrial Organization; International Economic Review; Journal of Industrial Economics; Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics; Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization; Journal of Economics and Management Strategy; Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization; Journal of Public Economic Theory; Oxford Economics Papers; Review of Industrial Organization; Social Choice and Welfare.