通讯地址 北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号,对外经济贸易大学,求真楼416
办公电话 010-64493670
电子邮箱 xchwangnk@aliyun.com wangx@uibe.edu.cn
2008年9月—2014年6月,南开大学 概率论与数理统计 金融数学博士
2013年1月—2014年1月,牛津大学 数学所计算金融 联合培养博士
2004年9月—2008年6月,南开大学 数学与应用数学 理学学士
2018年1月至今 对外经济贸易大学 国际经济贸易学院 副教授
2019年2月—2020年1月 华威大学 统计系 访问学者
2014年8月—2017年12月 对外经济贸易大学 国际经济贸易学院 讲师
1.Analytical Valuation of Asian Options with Counterparty Risk under Stochastic Volatility Models, Journal of Futures Markets, 40, 410-429, 2020.
2.The Valuation of Vulnerable European Options with Risky Collateral, with G. Wang and X. Shao, The European Journal of Finance, 26, 1315-1331, 2020.
3.Pricing Vulnerable Options in a Hybrid Credit Risk Model Driven by Heston-Nandi GARCH Processes, with G. Liang, Review of Derivatives Research, forthcoming, 2020.
4.Spread Options with Counterparty Risk and Jump Risk, with Z. Li, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 101269, 2020.
5.Valuation of Asian Options with Default Risk under GARCH Models, International Review of Economics and Finance, 70, 27-40, 2020.
6.Valuing Vulnerable Options with Bond Collateral, with G. Wang, Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming, 2020.
7.Catastrophe Equity Put Options with Floating Strike Prices, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming, 2020.
8.Pricing Volatility-equity Options under the Modified Constant Elasticity of Variance Model, Finance Research Letters, forthcoming, 2020.
9.Valuing Vulnerable Options with Two Underlying Assets, Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming, 2020.
10.Pricing Options on the Maximum or Minimum of Multi-assets under Jump-diffusion Processes, International Review of Economics and Finance, 70, 16-26, 2020.
11.A Closed-Form GARCH Valuation Model for Power Exchange Options with Counterparty Risk, with G. Xu and D. Li, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 34, 279-296, 2020.
12.Pricing Executive Stock Options with Averaging Features under the Heston-Nandi GARCH Model, with Z. Su, Journal of Futures Markets, 39, 1056-1084, 2019.
13.Valuation of Catastrophe Equity Put Options with Correlated Default Risk and Jump Risk, with H. Bi and G. Wang, Finance Research Letters, 29, 323-329, 2019.
14.Valuation of New-designed Contracts for Catastrophe Risk Management, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 101041, 2019.
15.Catastrophe Option Pricing with Auto-Correlated and Catastrophe-Dependent Intensity, with G. Wang, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 526, 120809, 2019.
16.Analytical Valuation of Power Exchange Options with Default Risk, with G. Xu, and X. Shao, Finance Research Letters, 28, 265-274, 2019.
17.Valuing Executive Stock Options under Correlated Employment Shocks, Finance Research Letters, 27, 38-45, 2018.
18.The Valuation of Executive Stock Options under GARCH Models, with Z. Su and G. Xu, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Science. 32, 409-433, 2018.
19.Profitability of reversal strategies: A modified version of the Carhart model in China, with W. Zhang, G. Wang, X. Xiong and X. Lei, Economic Modelling, 69, 26-37, 2018.
20.Pricing Vulnerable European Options with Stochastic Correlation, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 32, 67-95, 2018.
21.The Valuation of Power Exchange Options with Counterparty Risk and Jump Risk,with S. Song and Y. Wang, Journal of Futures Markets, 37, 499-521, 2017.
22.Pricing Vulnerable Options with Stochastic Volatility, with G. Wang and K. Zhou, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 485, 91-103, 2017.
23. Pricing Vulnerable American Put Options under Jump-Diffusion Processes, with G. Wang and Z. Liu, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 31, 121-138, 2017.
24.Differences in the Prices of Vulnerable Options with Different Counterparties, Journal of Futures Markets, 37, 148-163, 2017.
25.Analytical Valuation of Vulnerable Options in a Discrete-Time Framework, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 31, 100-120, 2017.
26.Catastrophe Equity Put Options with Target Variance, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 71, 79-86, 2016.
27.Pricing Vulnerable Options with Stochastic Default Barriers, Finance Research Letters, 19, 305-313, 2016.
28.Pricing Power Exchange Options with Correlated Jump Risk, Finance Research Letters, 19, 90-97, 2016.
29.The Pricing of Catastrophe Equity Put Options with Default Risk, International Review of Finance, 16, 181-201, 2016.
30..Hedging Strategies for Volatility Swaps, with J. Fu, G. Wang and Y. Wang, Finance Research Letters, 15, 125-132, 2015.
31.Pricing Vulnerable Options with Correlated Credit Risk under Jump-Diffusion Processes, with L. Tian, G. Wang and Y. Wang, Journal of Futures Markets, 34, 957-979, 2014.
32.Hedging Strategies for Discretely Monitored Asian Options under Levy Processes, with Y. Wang, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 10, 1209-1224, 2014.
33.Rare Shock, Two-Factor Stochastic Volatility and Currency Option Pricing, with G. Wang and Y. Wang, Applied Mathematical Finance, 21, 32-50, 2014.
34.Variance-Optimal Hedging for Target Volatility Options, with Y. Wang, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 10, 207-218, 2014.
35.Credit Spreads, Endogenous Bankruptcy and Liquidity Risk, with J. Fu and Y. Wang, Computational Management Science, 9, 515-530, 2012.
36.On the Transition Density and First Hitting Time Distributions of the Doubly Skewed CIR Process, with G. Xu, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, forthcoming, 2020.
37.Asymptotics of the Solutions to Stochastic Wave Equations Driven by a Non-Gaussian Levy Process, with Y. Jiang and S. Wang, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 39, 731-746, 2019.
38.Long Time Behavior for Stochastic Burgers Equations with Jump Noises, with G. Wang and K. Zhou, Statistics and Probability Letters, 141, 41-49, 2018.
39.Long time stability of nonlocal stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with jump noises, with G. Wang and G. Xu, Statistics and Probability Letters, 127, 23-32, 2017.
40.Long Time Behavior for Nonlocal Stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equations, with G. Wang and Y. Wang, Statistics and Probability Letters, 87, 54-60, 2014.
41.Stochastic Wave Equation of Pure Jumps: Existence, Uniqueness and Invariant Measures, with Y. Jiang and Y. Wang, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, 75, 5123-5138, 2012.
42.On a Stochastic Heat Equation with First Order Fractional Noise and Applications to Finance, with Y. Jiang and Y. Wang, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 396, 656-669, 2012.
1.投资银行-机构投资者关系、“捧场”与IPO中的利益输送, 与邵新建, 贾中正, 廖静池合作,金融研究,2019第11期,170-188。
2.基础货币投放渠道变迁、资金来源竞争与银行理财产品的崛起,与邵新建,肖立晟,覃家琦合作,中国工业经济,2020第7期, 155-173.
1..Exchange Options for Catastrophe Risk Management, with G. Wang and X. Shao.
2.Analytical Valuation of Vulnerable European and Asian Options in Intensity-based Models.
国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国金融市场流动性危机的度量、预警和管理, 2020年1月至2023年12月。
国家自然科学基金面上项目:几类相依风险模型下的资产定价与随机控制问题研究, 2017年1月至2020年12月。
国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于生产要素维度扩展的技术变化对产业结构演进的影响研究, 2017年1月至2019年12月。
教育部人文社科研究项目:金融素养、理财能力与消费者理财满意度研究 , 2016年7月至2019年7月。
国家自然科学基金面上项目:典型类随机过程的现代理论研究及其在信用风险研究中的应用, 2013年1月至2016年12月。
国家自然科学基金青年项目:几类噪声驱动的SPDE及其应用, 2012年1月至2014年12月。
1. Mathematical Reviews 特邀评论员(利率建模和信用风险量化方面)
2. Computational Economics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Derivatives,International Review of Economics and Finance等期刊匿名审稿人