Rong Ding (丁蓉) 科研及教学领域 科研:产业经济学,微观经济理论 教学:经济学导论,微观经济学,经济学原理
工作经历 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 副教授 2021至今 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 讲师 2015—2020 新加坡国立大学经济系 助教 2010—2014
教育背景 2010—2014 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),经济学博士 2008—2010 北京交通大学,理学硕士 2004—2008 北京交通大学,理学学士
研究发表 Partial compatibility in two-sided markets: Equilibrium and welfare analysis, with Chiu Yu Ko, Bo Shen, Economic Modelling, 2022, 105989. Does Licensing Improve Welfare with Rent Dissipation, with Chiu Yu Ko. Economic Modelling, 2021, 105. Choosing a Production Joint Venture Partner, with Chiu Yu Ko, Bo Shen, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2020, 176(4), P665-685. Payment Card Interchange Fees and Price Discrimination, with Julian Wright, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2017, 65(1), P39-72. Merchant Internalization Revisited, Economics Letters, 2014, 125(3), P347-349.
工作论文 Does Collusion between Two-sided Platforms Improve Welfare? with Zheng Wang. Working Paper. Preview of Forthcoming Content: Equilibrium and Welfare Analysis, with Linfeng Chen. Working Paper. Platform Competition with Discounts, with Chiu Yu Ko. Work in Progress. One-sided Market versus Two-sided Market, with Zheng Wang. Work in Progress. 科研项目 双边平台折扣策略对市场结构及社会福利的影响研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,72103036,主持在研。 受邀学术会议与讲座 2019, Innovation and Cross-Holdings Workshop, 华东理工大学,上海 2017, Asian Meeting Econometric Society, Hong Kong 2016,产业组织与竞争政策研讨会,对外经济贸易大学,北京 2014,Forum on Industrial Organization and Marketing 2014, Munich 2013,NUS Multi-Sided Platform Workshop, National University of Singapore 2013—2014,Applied Game Theory Reading Group, National University of Singapore 奖励与荣誉 2010-2014,NUS Research Scholarship