Xirong Chen
School of International Trade and Economics
University of International Business and Economics Beijing, China
Email: xirongchenuibe@163.com
Homepage: http://xirongchen.weebly.com//
Ph.D. in Economics, Texas A&M University, May 2017.
B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Arkansas, May 2012.
Research Interest
Applied Microeconometrics, Financial Econometrics, and Theoretical Econometrics.
Working Experience
Professor, Dec. 2022-present
Assistant Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, March 2018-Sep 2023
Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Sep 2017-March 2018 Programmer Analyst, FedEx Services, Collierville, Tennessee, May 2011-May 2012 IT Intern, Walmart Inc, Bentonville, Arkansas, May 2009-May 2011
1. An Alternative Bandwidth Selection Method for Estimating Functional Coe cient Models, (with Ta-Cheng Huang and Qi Li), Economics Letters, 156 (2017) 27-31.
2. 代 流 性及其分解:增 效 与排序效 , (李任玉, 悉榕, 甘犁), 研究,2017年09期。
Working Papers
1. A Data-Driven Bandwidth Selection Method for the Smoothed Maximum Score Estimator, (with Wenzheng Gao and Zheng Li), under invited revision from Economics Letters.
2. The Incentive Game under Target E ect in the Ride-Sharing Market: Theory and Evidence, (with Zheng Li, Liu Ming, and Weiming Zhu), submitted to Management Science.
3. The E ect of Multiple Houses Ownership on Portfolio Choices in China, (with Renyu Li and Xi Wu)
4. Direct Nonparametric Conditional Quantile Estimation for Time Series Data.
5. Nonparametric Identi cation and Estimation of Additive Social Interaction Models with Homophily, (with Darong Dai and Wenzheng Gao).
6. Identifying Housing Vacancy Rate from Electricity Bills, (with Li Gan, Qi Li, and Daichun Yi ).
7. Retailer Strategic Pricing under Sticky Demand, (with Haipeng Chen, Haoying Sun and Zheng Li).
Work in Progress
1. Household Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Chinese Secondary Housing Market, (with Yifan Shen and Shenghao Zhu)
2. Identity Discrimination, Market Structure and Wage Inequality, (with Darong Dai and Guoqiang Tian).
Conference Presentations and Invited Seminars
“The Incentive Game under Target E ect in the Ride-Sharing Market: Theory and Evidence," The 28th Annual Conference of POMS, May 2017, Seattle, Washington.
“Retailer Strategic Pricing under Sticky Demand," The 2016 Annual Conference of INFORMS, Nov 2016, Nashville, Tennessee.
“Retailer Strategic Pricing under Sticky Demand," The 9th Annual Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering, July 2016, Hefei, China.
“Identifying Housing Vacancy Rate from Electricity Bills," Beihang University, School of Economics and Management, June 2016, Beijing, China.
“Retailer Strategic Pricing under Sticky Demand," The 27th Annual Conference of POMS, May 2016, Orlando, Florida.
“Investment and Consumption Demand in the Chinese Housing Market," The 2015 Annual Conference of Southern Economics Association, Nov 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Teaching Experiences
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Introduction to Econometrics, Fall 2016
Teaching Assistant, Master Financial Econometrics, Spring 2016
Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Nonparametric Econometrics, Spring 2015
Teaching Assistant, Master Economic Analytics, Spring 2015
Instructor, Undergraduate Macroeconomic Theory (Evaluation: 4.74/5), Fall 2014
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Experimental Economics, Spring 2014
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate International Trade Policy, Fall 2013
Honors and Awards
Graduate Assistantship, Department of Economics, Aug 2012 - present, Texas A&M University
PERC Summer Research Fellowship, Department of Economics, Summer 2014, Texas A&M University
Leadership Scholarship, Aug 2008 - May 2012, University of Arkansas
College of Engineering Dean List, College of Engineering, University of Arkansas
Computer Skills
Matlab, Stata, R, Latex, Python, Java, C++, Javascript.
Last updated: April 11, 2018