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魏克海,讲 师


Kehai Wei [魏克海] 

Email[电子邮箱]:  kwei@uibe.edu.cn;  kehaiwei1979@163.com  

Homepage[个人网页]:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kehai_Wei 

Research Interests[研究方向] 

Neoclassical Models of Trade[新经典贸易理论模型], Empirical Studies of Trade[贸易实证研究]; Policy Evaluation[政策评估], Returns to Education[受教育的回报], Family Economics[家庭经济学], Wage Discrimination[工资歧视]; Quantile Regression[分位点回归]. 



2016 Machado, Jose A.F., Joao M.C. Santos Silva, and Kehai Wei, "Quantiles, Corners, and the Extensive Margin of Trade." European Economic Review, 89, pp. 73-84. 

[2016 Machado, Jose A.F., Joao M.C. Santos Silva, and Kehai Wei,“分位点,角解和贸易外生边际。”《欧洲经济评论》,89, pp. 73-84.] 

2014 Santos Silva, Joao M.C., Silvana Tenreyro, and Kehai Wei, "Estimating the Extensive Margin of Trade." Journal of International Economics, 93(1), pp.  67-75. 

[2014 Santos Silva, Joao M.C., Silvana Tenreyro, and Kehai Wei,“估计贸易的外生边际。”《国际经济学期刊》, 93(1), pp.  67-75.] 


2017 Kehai Wei, "Estimating Variance of Nonlinear Quantile Regression’s Estimator", presented in 2017 China Meeting of the Econometric Society. 

[2017 Kehai Wei, "估计分位点回归估计的方差", 在2017计量经济学会中国年会上作了关于这篇文章的报告。] 

2015 Kehai Wei, "Endogenous Market Price Index, Trade Frictions and Elasticity of Substitution", presented in the RES PhD meetings. 

[2015 Kehai Wei, "内生市场价格指数, 贸易摩擦和替代弹性", 在英国皇家经济学会博士会议上作了关于这篇文章的报告。] 

(An updated version of the paper is entitled "Resonance among Exporters".) 


Working  Experiences[工作经验] 

Assistant professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, 2018–Now. 


Teacher, Business School, Qingdao Binhai University, 2016–2018. 


Departmental assistant (teaching seminars), Department of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2007–2009. 


Teaching assistant and research assistant, De La Salle University, the Philippines,  2003–2005. 


Staff member, Qingdao Hongye Group, Shandong, China, 2000 


Teaching  Qualification[教学资格] 

Teacher’s Qualification Certificate in Higher Education of Shandong Province, 2017. 


Postgraduate Certificate in Skills in Teaching to Inspire Learning, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2007. 



Ph.D. in Economics, University of Essex, 2010–2015. 


M.Sc.  in Economics,  University of Essex, 2009–2010.


M.Phil.  in Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2006–2009.


M.Sc. in Economics, De La Salle University, the Philippines, 2002–2005.


B.Sc.  in Business Administration, I/AME, the Philippines, 2001–2002.


College Graduation Diploma in Foreign Enterprise Management, Pass, Jimei University, China, 1997– 2000.



College Overseas Research Scholarship, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2007–2008.


Departmental Assistantship, Department of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2007– 2009.


Scholarship (Tuition fee waived), De La Salle University, the Philippines, 2003–2005.



Latex, Stata/Mata programming[Latex, Stata/Mata编程]


Fluent English and Native Chinese.[流利的英语,母语为中文。]

Social Activities[社会活动]

Deputy Chairperson of Student Union (the first term), Jimei University,  1999.


Chairperson of Student Union (the eleventh term), Fisheries College, Jimei University, 1999.
