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办公地址:对外经济贸易大学 博学楼 1224




刘梦迪,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授,博士生导师。刘梦迪博士具有经济学与环境管理交叉学科背景,长期从事环境治理与公共政策相关的研究,主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(72422021,2025-2027)、面上项目(72374044, 2024-2027)、青年项目(72004024, 2021-2023)。研究成果发表于American Economic Review (AER)、American Journal of Political Science (AJPS)、Journal of Development EconomicsJDE)、Journal of Policy Analysis and Management(JPAM)、Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJEEM等高水平国际学术期刊。研究成果获得美国政治科学协会(APSA)2020年度Evan Ringquist最佳论文奖等奖项。


微观经济学 (本科、经济学导论(本科生)



2021.12至今 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 副教授(破格)

2019.8-2021.12 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 助理教授


2014.9-2019.6 南京大学 环境规划与管理 理学博士(硕博连读)

2017.8-2019.2 亚利桑那大学 Eller管理学院 联合培养博士

2010.9-2014.7 南京大学 环境规划与管理 学士

2010.9-2014.7 南京大学 经济学 双学位



a. Economics

1. Buntaine, M. T., Greenstone, M., He, G., Liu, M., Wang, S., & Zhang, B. (2024). Does the Squeaky Wheel Get More Grease? The Direct and Indirect Effects of Citizen Participation on Environmental Governance in China. American Economic Review, 114(3), 815-850.

2. Liu, M., Tan, R., & Zhang, B*. (2021). The Costs of “Blue Sky”: Environmental Regulation, Technology Upgrading, and Labor Demand in China. Journal of Development Economics, 150, 102610. (JDE近三年被引次数排名第一的文章、入选ESI高被引论文

3. Liu, M., Shadbegian, R., & Zhang, B*. (2017). Does Environmental Regulation Affect Labor Demand in China? Evidence from the Textile Printing and Dyeing Industry. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 86, 277-294. 入选ESI高被引论文

4. Wang, Q., Liu, M., Xu, J., & Zhang, B*. (2023). Blow the Lid Off: Public Complaints, Bargaining Power, and Government Responsiveness on Social Media. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-34.

5. Fan, X., Liu, M., & Zhang, B*. (2024). The Green Premium: Environmental Regulation, Environmental Risk and Property Value. Environmental and Resource Economics, Accept.

6. Liu, M., Shadbegian, R., & Zhang, B*. (2022). Environmental Regulation, Compliance Strategies and Productivity: Evidence from China. Land Economics, 98(1), 41-61.

7. Liu, M., Zhang, B*., & Geng, Q. (2018). Corporate Pollution Control Strategies and Labor Demand: Evidence from China's Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 53(3), 298-326.

8. Liu, M., Zhang, B*., & Liao, X. (2022). Can Trade Liberalization Promote Green Production? Evidence from China's Manufacturing Enterprises. Journal of Asian Economics, 79: 101369.

9. Jiao, Y., Li, Y., & Liu, M*. (2021). Widening the Gap? Temperature and Time Allocation between Men and Women. Applied Economics, 1-33.

10. Chang, H., Li, Y., & Liu, M*. (2024). The role of government social media in enhancing environmental governance. China Economic Journal, 1-16.

b. Political Science & Public Administration

11. Anderson, S. E., Buntaine, M. T., Liu, M., & Zhang, B. (2019). Non‐Governmental Monitoring of Local Governments Increases Compliance with Central Mandates: A National‐Scale Field Experiment in China. American Journal of Political Science, 63(3), 626-643. 3.

12. Tang, Y., Liu, M*., Xia, F., & Zhang, B* (2024). Informal Regulation by Nongovernmental Organizations Enhances Corporate Compliance: Evidence from a Nationwide Randomized Controlled Trial in China. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Accept.

13. Liu, Z., Liu, M., Xia, F*., & Zhang, B*. (2023). Beyond technology: reducing environmental information asymmetry by centralizing environmental monitoring. International Public Management Journal, 1-19.

14. Seligsohn, D., Liu, M., & Zhang, B*. (2018). The Sound of One Hand Clapping: Transparency without Accountability. Environmental Politics, 1-26.


c. Environmental Management

15. Chen, B., Liu, M*., Ye, W., & Zhang, B*. (2022). Assessing the Impact of Green Nudges on Ozone Concentration: Evidence from China’s Night Refueling Policy. Journal of Environmental Management, 312, 114899.

16. Tang, Y., Liu, M*., & Zhang, B*. (2021). Can Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Improve the Environmental Performance of Urban Sewage Treatment? Journal of Environmental Management, 291, 112660.

17. Wang, X., Liu, M., & Zhang, B*. (2022) Policy Implementation Inconsistency and Emission Leakage: Evidence from the Closure of Polluting Firms. Environmental Management, 70(2), 201-214.

18. Wang, Q., Liu, M*., & Zhang, B*. (2022) Do state-owned enterprises really have better environmental performance in China? Environmental regulation and corporate environmental strategies. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 185, 106500.

19. Zhang, J., Liu, M*., & Zhang, B*. (2022) Environmental policy integration and performance: The effectiveness of China's one permit management reform. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 98, 106951.


1. Transparency by Chinese Cities Reduces Pollution Violations and Improves Air Quality. (with Sarah E. Anderson, Mark T. Buntaine, and Bing Zhang) R&R, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2. Competition Matters: The factors influencing China's local government's adoption of E-government on social media. (with Yichen Wu and Huyang ChangR&R, Local Government Studies.

3. Adding to the Woes: Heterogeneous Effects of Air Pollution on Pandemic Patients (with Xin Zhao R&R, Health Economics.

4. Smarter Incentive Mechanisms: The Impact of Chinas Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Pilots on Air Quality. (with Qinzhang Wang and Qi WangR&R, Energy Economics.

5. Palliatives or Panacea: How Does Local Governments Response to Campaign-Style Enforcement (with Qi Wang, Fan Xia, and Bing Zhang) Under Review, International Public Management Journal.

6. Spotlight on Scandal: Market Reactions to Media Disclosures on Corporate Environmental Violations (with Qinzhang Wang

7. Better targeting through machine learning in environmental enforcement. (with Jiaqi Zhang and Bing Zhang) 


1. Discharge Fees, Pollution Mitigation and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Power Plants. (with Gautam Gowrisankaran, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hortaçsu, Caixia Shen, and Bing Zhang)

2. The efficiency loss of reducing collusion in environmental regulation by random inspections. (with Yile Xiao and Bing Zhang)

3. When the eyes are closed: monitoring failure and strategic emission. (with Yifan Chen and Shiqi Guo)

4. Selective Compliance: The Role of Local Governments in Central Government-Inspected Environmental Projects. (with Mark Buntaine and Longjiao Yu)

5. 社交媒体对环境治理的影响:基于地级市环保政务微博的证据 (合作者:常胡杨、赵永跃)


1. 环境管治与政策分析, 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目, 72422021, 2025.1-2027.12, 主持.

2. 基于大数据的环境监管效率分析与优化, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 72374044, 2024.1-2027.12, 主持.

3. 环境信息公开对我国环境治理的影响机制和效果研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 72004024, 2021.1-2023.12, 主持.

4. 环境健康风险与房产价值:基于中国污染企业搬迁的影响研究, 北大-林肯中心2019-2020年度“研究基金”, 2019-2020, 主持.

5. 俄罗斯对华能源合作的战略考量与政策取向研究, 国家社会科学基金重大项目, 20VGQ003, 2021-2023, 参与.

6. 能源转型背景下中国石油国际事业有限公司发展策略研究, 中国石油企业协会, 2021, 参与.

7. Pollution Mitigation and Productivity in Developing Countries, 美国国家自然科学基金委员会(NSF), 2018-2021, 参与.

8. Voice of the Masses and Responsive Authoritarianism: Evidence from Online Environmental Complaint, 瑞典“环境与发展”(EfD), 2018-2019, 参与.

9. The Costs of Blue Sky: The Distributional Effects of Environmental Regulation on Labor Demand in China, 瑞典“环境与发展”(EfD), 2020-2021, 参与.

10. 多尺度大气污染防治情景费效模型研究及示范(2016YFC0207600), 国家重点研发计划“大气污染成因与控制技术研究”重点专项项目, 2016-2019, 参与.

11. 环境管理与政策分析,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目, 2019-2023, 参与.


1. NBER SI 2020 Environmental & Energy Economics, 2020.

2. 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Manchester, 2019.

3. The 9th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Beijing, 2019.

4. Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2019.

5. World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Gothenburg, 2018.

6. CES North America Conference, Athens, 2018.

7. Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2018.


Evan Ringquist最佳论文奖







Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Nature Cities, Environmental and Resource Economics, Land Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics,  Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, China & World Economy, China Economic Review, Journal of Environmental Management, Environment and Development Economics, Environmental Impact Assessment Review等
