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发布时间:2021-12-14   发布人:zs   点击数:6558






讲座题目:Boosted Credit Ratings in China: The Effects of Credit Enhancement on Bond Pricing

讲座摘要:More than 30% of credit bonds in China issued during 2009 and 2019 received improved issuance ratings, 97.1% of which used credit enhancement. We find that credit enhancement can lower credit spreads. The risk reduction and loss-sharing explanations serve as underlying mechanisms for the credit enhancement effects. The information-production and liquidity-improvement channels are excluded. Our findings remain robust after using propensity score matching method, instrumental variable approach, and firm-year fixed effects. This paper highlights the functionality of credit enhancement vehicles as they provide a solution for low-rated firms to issue high-rated bonds and to lower the cost of debt financing.

讲座人简介:高昊宇博士,中国人民大学财政金融学院副教授,博士生导师,中国人民大学“杰出学者”青年学者,第5届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”入选人。他博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院和香港城市大学,分别获得管理学与金融学博士学位。他曾在香港城市大学、南洋理工大学和美联储亚特兰大分储短期访问工作。研究兴趣主要集中在银行与金融市场中介;金融风险管理;债务与信用市场;公司金融与中国资本市场等方面。代表性学术成果发表或接受发表在Review of Financial Studies (RFS), Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)、Journal of Financial Services Research (JFSR)、《金融研究》、《管理科学学报》和《中国管理科学》等国内外金融管理领域核心刊物。他的论文还曾获得12届亚太金融市场年会、31届亚洲金融学年会、第8、9届投资学年会、第18届金融系统工程与风险管理年会和首届银行与金融中介论坛等最佳论文奖。



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