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English Referee Journal |  Book Chapter
Selected Publications

English Referee Journals

Mei, Ming, 2007, Studies on the Characteristics of Volatility in China’s Stock Market, with Xichu and Rui Li, Global Business and Finance Review, forthcoming.

Wang, Jian, 2007, On Nework Externalities, E-Business Adoption and Information Asymmetry,with Fujun Lai, Chang-Tseh Hsie, and Jeng-Chung Chen, Industrial Management & Data SystemsVol. 107, No.5, 728-746.

Chen, Zhihong, 2007, Testing Multivariate Distributions In GARCH Models, with Jushan Bai, Journal of Econometric, forthcoming

Ge, Ying, 2007, Foreign Ownership and Productivity in Joint Ventures, with Yashen Chen, Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming

Zhao, Zhongxiu, Xiaoling Huang, Dongya Ye, and Paul Gentle, 2007, China’s Industrial Policy in Relation to Electronics manufacturing, China & World Economy, Vol.15, No.3, 33-51.

Zhao, Zhongxiu, 2007, China's Industrial Competitiveness in the World, with Kevin Zhang, The Chinese Economy, forthcoming

Ge, Ying, 2007, Intercity Income Inequality, Growth and Convergence in China, with Gordon Anderson, Journal of Income Distribution, forthcoming

Wang, Qiang, 2007, Taxonomy of information technology strategy and its impact on the performance of third-party logistics (3PL) in China, with Fujun Lai and Xiande Zhao, International Journal of Production Research, No.10, 2195-2218.

Wang, Qiang, 2007, The Impact of Information Technology on the Financial Performance of Third-Party Logistics Firms in China, with Fujun Lai and Xiande Zhao, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, forthcoming

Yang, Weiyong, 2007, Institutional reforms, agricultural risks and agro-industrial diversification in rural China, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 12, No.3, pp.386 - 402 

Hong, Junjie, 2007, Modeling the location choices of foreign investments in Chinese logistics industry, with A. Chin, China Economic Review, 18(4), 425-437

Hong, Junjie, 2007, Location Determinants and Patterns of Foreign Logistics Services in Shanghai, China, Service Industries Journal, forthcoming

Hong, Junjie, 2007, Firm-Specific Effects on Location Decisions of Foreign Direct Investment In China’s Logistics Industry, Regional Studies, 41(5), 673-683.

Hong, Junjie, 2007, Logistics Service Providers in China: Current Status and Future Prospects, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, forthcoming

Hong, Junjie, 2007 Transport and the location of foreign logistics firms: the Chinese experience Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, forthcoming

Hong, Junjie, 2007, Logistics Development in China: A provider perspective, with Bingqian Liu, Transportation Journal, 46(2), 55-65.

Ge, Ying, 2007, Financial Development, Bank Discrimination and Trade Credit, with Jiaping Qiu, Journal of Banking and Finance, 31, 513-530


Zhao, Zhongxiu, 2006, Multinational Corporations and Technology Transfers in Developing Countries” (with H. Zhang) International Economics, forthcoming

Zhu, Mingxia, 2006, “International Franchising Performance in China” International Journal of Global Business & Trade, 2(2), forthcoming

Wang, Qiang and Wang, Xiaodong, 2006, “Strategic Postures of Third-Party Logistics Providers in Mainland China”(with K. Zantow and F. Lai) International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, forthcoming

Wang, Qiang, 2006, “The Impact of Information Technology on Competitive Advantage of Logistics Firms in China” (with F. Lai and X. Zhao) Industrial Management & Data Systems, forthcoming

Lin,Guijun and Ronald Schramm, 2006, Chinese capital markets,Out of the shadows, The Economist, Dec. 13th, 2006

Yang, Weiyong, 2006, “Economic Reforms and Afforestation Incentives in Rural China” (with S. Démurger) Environment and Development Economics, forthcoming

Feng, Licheng and Xu, Weihe, 2006, “Has the Reform of Non-tradable Shares Raised Stock Prices? An Event Study” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, forthcoming

Chen, Zhihong, 2006, “Measuring the Poverty Lines for Urban Households in China — An Equivalence Scale Method” China Economic Review, 17(3): 239-252

Zhu, Mingxia, 2006, “The impact of Sino-western cultural differences on IT products consumption” (with R. Quan and K. Xuan) Journal of Technology Management in China 1(2): 159-173

Xu, Yiping, 2006, “The behavior of the exchange rate in the genetic algorithm with agents having long memory” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16(3): 279-297.

Ge, Ying, 2006, “The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Urban Wage, an Empirical Examination” Urban Studies, 43(9): 1439-1450.


Ge, Ying, 2005, “Debt Maturity Structure and Firm Investment” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Financial Management, 34 (4): 107-119.

Ge, Ying, 2005, “The Size Distribution of Chinese Cities” (with G. Anderson) Regional Science and Urban Economics 35(6): 756-776.

Wang, Qiang, 2005, “A Taxonomy of Information Technology Strategy and its Effect on the Performance of 3PL firms in China” (with F. Lai and X. Zhao)International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming

Kong, Shuhong, 2005, “The Effect of Stock Policy on ZJ Stocks in the Chinese markets” (with M. Taghavi) Journal of International Business Strategy 2(1)

Shu, Jinhong, 2005, “Testing range estimators of historical volatility”, Journal of Futures Markets, forthcoming

Kong, Shuhong, 2005, “The Effect of Annual Earnings Announcements on the Chinese Stock Markets” (with M. Taghavi) International Advances in Economic Research 12(3)

Sun, Huayu, 2005, “How Long can the Renminbi Peg Last? Policy Options to Deal with Revaluation Pressures” (with Y. Ma) China Economic Review 16(2): 103-117.

Ge, Ying, 2005, “Can Corporatization Improve the Performance of State-Owned enterprises Even Without Privatization?” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Corporate Finance 11(5): 791-808.

Ge, Ying, 2005, “Corporate Governance and Manager Turnover: An Unusual Social Experiment” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Banking and Finance 29 (6): 1459-1481.

Ge, Ying, 2005, “The Impact of Leverage on Firm Investment: Canadian Evidence” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Corporate Finance 11(1-2): 277-291.


Ge, Ying, 2004, “Do Economic Reforms Accelerate Urban Growth? The Case of China” (with G. Anderson) Urban Studies 41(11): 2197-2210.

Hong, Junjie, 2004, “Logistics outsourcing by manufacturers in China: A survey of the industry” (with A. Chin and B. Liu) Transportation Journal 43(1)

Hong, Junjie, 2004, “Firm-Specific Characteristics and logistics outsourcing by Chinese Manufacturers” (with A. Chin and B. Liu) Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 16(3): 23-36

Sun, Huayu, 2004, “Measuring the Extent of Openness of the Chinese Economy: the Parity Test” (with M. Taghavi) Journal of International Business and Economics

Sun, Huayu, 2004, “Money and Price Relationship in China” (with Y. Ma) Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies 2(3): 225-247.
Liu, Shulin, 2004, “A Method used for evaluating bids in the Chinese construction industry” (with K. Lai and S. Wang) International Journal of Project Management 22(3): 193-201.

Shu, Jinhong, 2004, “Pricing S&P 500 Index Options under Stochastic Volatility with the Indirect Inference Method” (with J. Zhang) Journal of Derivative Accounting 1(2):
Lin, Guijun, 2004, “China’s Progression toward Currency Convertibility, A Review and Accessment” (with R. Schramm) Chinese Economy 37(4): 78-100.


Lin, Guijun, 2003, “China's Foreign Exchange Policies Since 1979: A Review of Developments and as Assessment” (with R. Schramm) China Economic Review 2 (3): 246-280
Liu, Shulin, 2003, “A General Multivariate Analysis Approach for Determining Bid Markup Strategy” (with K. K. Lai and Souyang Wang) Construction Management and Economics

Liu, Shulin, 2002, “Bid Markup Selection Models by Use of Multiple Criteria” (with K. Lai and S. Wang) IEEE Transaction on Engineering and Management 49(2): 155-160.

Feng, Licheng, 2002, “The Effects of Re-imposing a 10% Price Limit On The Chinese Stock Markets” Asia Pacific Journal of Economics & Business 6(1)

Liu, Shulin, 2002, “Multiple criteria models for evaluation of competitive bids” (with K. Lai and S. Wang) IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry 11(3): 151-160.

Liu, Shulin, 2000, “Less Average-Bid Method--a Simulating Approach” (with K. Lai and S. Wang) International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 6(4): 251-262

Book Chapter

Hong, Junjie, 2006, “The Location Decisions of Foreign Logistics Firms in China: Does transport network capacity matter?” in Economic Policies and Social Welfare in the 21st Century, Thompson publishing

Wang, Qiang, 2003, “Quantity discounts for supply chain coordination” (with L. Lei and C. Choi) in Managing Business Interfaces: Marketing, Engineering, and Manufacturing Perspectives, (ed.) A. Chakravarty and J. Eliashberg, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Liu, Shuling, 2000, “Multiple Criteria Decision Making Models for Competitive Bidding” (with K. Lai and S. Wang) in New Frontier of Decision Making for the Information Technology Era, (ed.) Y. Shi and M. Zeleny, World Science Publishing Co.