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蒋庆哲,教 授






[1] 负责人,国家社科基金重大项目“对华能源合作战略考量与政策取向研究”,2021-04-19。

[2] 参与人,国家社会科学基金重大项目““一带一路”建设面临的主要风险识别、评价与控制研究”2018-08-25。

[3] 负责人,北京对外开放研究院2021年度省部级重大项目“城市减量发展下的商业领域城市更新实施路径研究”,2021-09-23。

[4] 参与人,金开新能科技有限公司委托项目“金开新能科技有限公司嵌入区域碳减排发展模式”,2022-06-01。

[5] 参与人,东盟与东亚经济研究所委托项目“The Role of Fintech on Renewable Energy in the Digita 1 Era:The Case of China”,2022-09-07。

[6] 参与人,中国石油集团安全环保技术研究院有限公司委托项目“国内外低碳政策分析研究”,2022-01-21。

[7] 参与人,中国石油企业协会委托项目“能源转型背景下中国石油国际事业有限公司发展策略研究”,2021-10-01。

[8] 参与人,中国石油流通协会委托项目“‘放管服’背景下,成品油流通行业高质量发展的举措调研”,2021-06-01。

[9] 参与人,国家粮食和物资储备局广东局委托项目《中央储备成品油常态化轮换机制》课题研究,2019-11-15。

[10] 参与人,科技部(中国石油勘探开发研究院)委托项目“面向非常规油气资源开发工程的创新方法集成及示范”,2019-05-13。

[11] 参与人,国家能源局委托项目“我国油气下游竞争性环节改革试点研究”2018-08-01。

[12] 参与人,国家发展和改革委员会委托项目“油气市场异常波动调控研究”,2018-06-30。


[1] Bo Wang,Jun Zhao,Kangyin Dong,Qingzhe Jiang. High-quality energy development in China:Comprehensive assessment and its impact on CO2 emissions.  Energy Economics,2022-04-26.

[2] Yue Dou,Kangyin Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong.How does trade openness affect carbon emission?New international evidence.Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management,2022-03-21.

[3] Jiaman Li,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Xiucheng Dong.Does the local electricity price affect labor demand ?Evidence from China’s industrial enterprises.Environment Development and Sustainability,2022-03-21.

[4]  Kangyin Dong,Yue Dou,Qingzhe Jiang,Income in equality energy poverty,and energy efficiency:Who cause who and how?Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2022-03-16.

[5] Cong Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Congyu Zhao,Yongliang Zhang,Comprehensive evaluation of water utilisation during shale gas exploration and exploitation in China. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology,2022-02-16.

[6]  Yue Dou,Kangyin Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Muhammad Shahbaz,How do natural disasters affect energy poverty? Evidence from a global perspective.The Singapore Economic Review,2022-02-03.

[7]  Jiaman Li,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Does the local electricity price affect labor demand? Evidence from China’s industrial enterprises. Environment Development and Sustainability,2022-02-01.

[8] Jun Zhao,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong, Kangyin Dong,Hongdian Jiang,How does industrial structure adjustment reduce CO2 emission?Spatial and mediation affects analysis for China. Energy Economics,2022-01-01.

[9]  Kangyin Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Jun Zhao,Assessing energy resilience and its greenhouse effect: A global perspective.Energy Economics,2021-12-01.

[10]  Jun Zhao,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Income inequality and natural gas consumption in China: Do heterogeneous and threshold effects exist?Australian Economic Papers,2021-12-01.

[11]  Jianda Wang,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Kangyin Dong,Decoupling and decomposition analysis of investments and CO2 emissions in information and communication technology sector. Applied Energy,2021-11-15.

[12]  Jianda Wang,Kangyin Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Research on the carbon emission effect of the seven regions along the Belt and Road—based on the spillover and feedback effects model. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-10-15.

[13]  Guixian Liu,Xiucheng Dong,Jiaman Li,Qingzhe Jiang,Zhaoyang Kong,Does the pollutant charging system effectively reduce PM2.5 concentration? Evidence from 255 cities in China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2021-10-12.

[14]  Kangyin Dong, Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Jun Zhao,Valuing the greenhouse effect of political risks: the global case. Applied Economics,2021-07-03.

[15]  Kangyin Dong ,Qingzhe Jiang,Muhammad Shahbaz,Jun Zhao,Does low-carbon energy transition mitigate energy poverty? The case of natural gas for China. Energy Economic,2021-07-01.

[16]  Hui Li,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Policy analysis for high-speed rail in China: Evolution, evaluation, and expectation. Transport Policy,2021-06-15.

[17]  Jiaman Li,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Guixian Liu,Natural gas trade network of countries and regions along the belt and road: Where to go in the future?Resources Policy,2021-06-15.

[18]  Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Jianda Wang,Assessing Embodied Carbon Emission and Its Intensities in the ICT Industry: The Global Case. Frontiers in Energy Research,2021-05-13.

[19]  Jiayue Dong,Yue Dou,Qingzhe Jiang,Jun Zhao,How Does Industrial Structure Upgrading Affect the Global Greenhouse Effect? Evidence From RCEP and Non-RCEP Countries. Frontiers in Energy Research,2021-05-03.

[20]  Jun Zhao,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Kangyin Dong,Assessing energy poverty and its effect on CO2 emissions: The case of China. Energy Economics,2021-05-01.

[21]  Guixian Liu,Zhaoyang Kong,Jiajia Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Ke Wang,Jiaman Li,Chade Li,Xin Wan,Influencing Factors, Energy Consumption, and Carbon Emission of Central Heating in China: A Supply Chain Perspective. Frontiers in Energy Research,2021-03-25.

[22]  Guixian Liu,Xiucheng Dong,Zhaoyang Kong,Qingzhe Jiang,Jiaman Li,The role of China in the East Asian natural gas premium. Energy Strategy Reviews,2021-01-01.

[23]  Jiaman Li,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Analytical Approach to Quantitative Country Risk Assessment for the Belt and Road Initiative. Sustainability,2022-01-01.

[24]  Zhaojing Wang,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Muhammad Shujaata Mubarik,Xiucheng Dong,Decomposition of the US CO2 emissions and its mitigation potential: An aggregate and sectoral analysis. Energy Policy,2020-12-02.

[25]  Jun Zhao,Cong Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Coordinated development of industrial structure and energy structure in China: its measurement and impact on CO2 emissions. Climate Research,2020-07-23.

[26]  Xinlei Yang, Xiucheng Dong,Zhaoyang Kong,Qingzhe Jiang,Tiedong Wang,Research on the construction of a natural gas price index in China. Energy Strategy Reviews,2020-07-11.

[27]  Kangyin Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,How renewable energy consumption lower global CO2 emissions? Evidence from countries with different income levels. World Economy,2020-06-02.

[28]  Hongdian Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,What drives China's natural gas consumption? Analysis of national and regional estimates. Energy Economics,2020-03-01.

[29]  Jun Zhao,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Kangyin Dong,Would environmental regulation improve the greenhouse gas benefits of natural gas use? A Chinese case study. Energy Economics,2020-03-01.

[30]  Zhaoyang Kong,Xi Lu,Qingzhe Jiang,Xiucheng Dong,Guixian Liu,Noah Elbot,Zhonghua Zhang,Shi Chen,Assessment of import risks for natural gas and its implication for optimal importing strategies A case study of China. Energy Policy,2019-04-30.

[31]  Xinlei Yang,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Guixian Liu,Factors Influencing Public Concern about Environmental Protection: An Analysis from China. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2019-03-02.

[32]  Zhaoyang Kong,Xi Lu,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,,Noah Elbot,Re-evaluation of energy return on investment (EROI) for China's natural gas imports using an integrative approach. Energy Strategy Reviews,2018-12-12.

[33]  Guixian Liu,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Cong Dong,Jianman Li,Natural gas consumption of urban households in China and corresponding influencing factors. Energy Policy,2018-11-15.

[34]  Zhaoyang Kong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,The net energy impact of substituting imported oil with coal-to-liquid in China. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018-10-10.

[35]  Shifeng Gao,,Zhaozheng Song,Di Zhu,Fang Lan,Qingzhe Jiang,Synthesis, surface activities, and aggregation behavior of phenyl-containing carboxybetaine surfactants. Royal Society of Chemistry,2018-08-15.

[36]  Zhan Shi,Qingzhe Jiang,Zhaozheng Song,Zhihui Wang,Canglong Gaoa,Dinuclear iron(III) complexes bearing phenylenebridged bis(amino triphenolate) ligands as catalysts for the copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide with carbon dioxide or phthalic anhydride. Polymer Chemistry,2018-08-15.

[37]  Cong Dong,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,Kangyin Dong,Guixian Liu,What is the probability of achieving the carbon dioxide emission targets of the Paris Agreement? Evidence from the top ten emitters. Science of the Total Environment,2018-06-09.

[38]  Xinlei Yang,Xiucheng Dong,Qingzhe Jiang,The Reform of the Oil and Gas Tenement Management System in the PR of China. International Journal of Energy Policy and Management,2018-05-02.

[39]  孙即才,蒋庆哲.碳达峰碳中和视角下区域协同创新发展研究——新能源开发嵌入区域减排的现实性与策略选择[J].学术交流,2022(03):67-77+192.

[40]  孙即才,蒋庆哲.碳达峰碳中和视角下区域低碳经济一体化发展研究:战略意蕴与策略选择[J].求是学刊,2021,48(05):36-43+169.

[41]  董聪,董秀成,蒋庆哲,宋奕萱.中国石油企业低碳竞争力评价及对策研究[J].中国矿业,2018,27(03):39-44.

[42]  董聪,董秀成,蒋庆哲,刘贵贤.《巴黎协定》背景下中国碳排放情景预测——基于BP神经网络模型[J].生态经济,2018,34(02):18-23.

[43]  杨春鹏,宋昭峥,胡智渊,赵建凯,汪洋,宋望天,蒋庆哲.一种超长链双子表面活性剂压裂液的性能评价[J].科学技术与工程,2017,17(22):208-213.

[44]  于涵,蒋庆哲,宋昭峥,袁波.炼油厂CO2-Urea-DMC产业链经济评价[J].石油学报(石油加工),2017,33(04):791-801.

[45]  于涵,蒋庆哲,宋昭峥,袁波.CO2-DMC产业链碳足迹分析[J].现代化工,2017,37(03):9-13.

[46]  宋倩倩,蒋庆哲,宋昭峥.炼油厂CO2分离技术的研究[J].现代化工,2015,35(03):12-17.

[47]  宋倩倩,蒋庆哲,宋昭峥.炼油厂CO2-EOR产业链的经济评价[J].石油学报(石油加工),2015,31(01):119-125.

[48]  宋倩倩,蒋庆哲,罗晓莉,宋昭峥,袁波,宋文娟.探讨中国炼油厂碳利用新思路[J].石油学报(石油加工),2014,30(03):568-574.

[49]  蒋庆哲,马敬昆,陈高松,李占稳.炼油厂二氧化碳排放估算与分析[J].现代化工,2013,33(04):1-4+6.

[50]  徐焱明,何东芮,宋昭峥,蒋庆哲.炼厂二氧化碳回收方案综合评价与优选模型[J].现代化工,2013,33(01):107-110

[51]  马敬昆,蒋庆哲,宋昭峥,柯明.低碳经济视角下炼厂碳产业链的构建[J].现代化工,2011,31(06):1-5+7.

[52]  任京东,窦丽媛,孟祥海,王晓婷,宋昭峥,蒋庆哲.我国炼油企业节水减排的技术与措施[J].现代化工,2011,31(01):5-9.

[53]  任京东,林敏,窦丽媛,孟祥海,宋昭峥,蒋庆哲.我国石化行业节能减排的途径与措施分析[J].现代化工,2010,30(03):4-8+10

[54]  马敬昆,蒋庆哲,王永宁,郑晓宇,宋昭峥,柯明.交联聚合物微球的制备及岩心封堵性能研究[J].石油钻采工艺,2010,32(02):84-88.

[55]  孙艳莉,秦文彩,贾光生,蒋庆哲,祝慧烨,刘光明.石油传统往何处去[J].中国石油石化,2010(05):22-25.






