点击次数: 6910




报告题目: Foreign Asset Accumulation among Emerging Market

摘要:We develop a two-sector, core-periphery country general equilibrium framework with endogenous financial crises to study foreign asset accumulation coordination among emerging market economies. Consistent with the policy prescription described by Bianchi (2011), we show that a national planner in each peripheral country prefers a higher asset position than the decentralized agents but may reduce welfare. A coordinator for all peripheral countries, who considers the general equilibrium effect of aggregate peripheral savings on the world interest rate, prefers a different asset position than the national planner. When we calibrate our model to a group of emerging Asian economies, the quantitative analysis shows that in the absence of coordination, national regulation leads to a 3.7% higher average net foreign asset position and a welfare loss relative to the laissez-faire. In contrast, the coordinated level of net foreign assets is 59% of the uncoordinated level and results in a sizable welfare gain.

报告人简介: 金昊,2016年经济学博士毕业于印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校经济系。现任厦门大学王亚南经济研究院助理教授。主要研究方向包括宏观经济学、国际经济学以及货币经济学。其中英文主要研究成果发表于Review of Economic Dynamics、《中国工业经济》等国内外相关领域的知名期刊。

