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我院王韡副教授的合作论文被国际权威期刊Journal of Operations Management正式发表
发布时间:2023-09-14   发布人:sxy   点击数:2055

国际经济贸易学院王韡副教授的合作论文The Effects of Surge Pricing on Driver Behavior in the Ride-Sharing Market: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment于2023年7月被国际权威期刊Journal of Operations Management正式发表。



Surge pricing has been used to coordinate supply and demand in the ride-sharing industry, but its causal effects on driver behavior remain unclear. This motivates us to examine how surge pricing causally affects driver earnings and labor supply by leveraging a unique quasi-experiment, in which a leading ride-sharing company in China introduced surge pricing in two cities at different times. Using a difference-in-differences design with the causal forest method, we find that surge pricing led to increases in drivers' weekly revenue. Decomposing the weekly revenue into “intensive margin” and “extensive margin” factors, we discover two countervailing effects at play: a cherry-picking effect and a competition effect, and the daily revenue decreased because the latter dominated. Consequently, the increased weekly revenue can be explained by the extensive margin: drivers worked on more days to compensate for the decreased daily revenue, a result consistent with the income targeting behavior. Finally, we examine heterogeneous treatment effects across drivers, and find that surge pricing enticed more part-time drivers to flood the market and crowd out full-time drivers, and that the increase in the drivers' weekly revenue was primarily driven by part-time drivers. Therefore, the benefit of surge pricing was unevenly distributed across drivers.




王韡,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授、博士生导师,华盛顿大学经济学博士。主要从事宏观经济学、发展经济学和产业经济学的学术研究。在《经济研究》、Journal of Operations Management、Research Policy等国内外权威期刊发表论文数十篇,主持多项国家级和省部级基金课题,曾获得中国留美经济学会邹至庄最佳论文奖。





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