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发布时间:2023-10-19   发布人:sxy   点击数:10365

Workshop on Industrial Organization and Competition Policy


21-22 October 2023, Beijing 北京,2023年1021-22日)

School of International Trade and Economics (SITE)

University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)


Venue: Conference Hall, 5th floor, Yifu Research Building, UIBE



Day One, 21 October

8:20-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:40 Opening Ceremony

Introduction to the Workshop: Jianpei Li (UIBE

Welcome Remarks: Junjie Hong (Vice President, UIBE)


Session I: 8:40-10:10 Chaired by Yongmin Chen (University of Colorado Boulder)

8:40-9:30 Keynote: Pricing and Perpetual Royalties with Repeated Resale

Matthew Mitchell (University of Toronto)

9:30-10:10 Optimal Pricing Schemes in the Presence of Social Learning and Costly Reporting

Xi Weng (Peking University)


10:10-10:30 Tea Break & Group Photo


Session II: 10:30-12:30 Chaired by Xiaoyong Cao (UIBE) 

10:30-11:10 The Heterogeneous Effects of Airline Joint Ventures on Connecting Markets

Yinqi Zhang (UIBE

11:10-11:50 Network Externalities, Product Upgrade and Advertising

Fanqi Shi (Peking University)

11:50-12:30 Two-stage Chinese College Admission

Jun Zhang (Nanjing Audit University)


12:30-14:00 Lunch Break


Session III: 14:00-15:30 Chaired by Chang Zhao (UIBE)

14:00-14:50 Keynote: Make or Buy or Sell

Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne)

14:50-15:30 Killer Acquisition in Vertically Related Industries

Tianle Zhang (Lingnan University)


15:30-15:50 Tea Break


Session IV: 15:50-17:50 Chaired by Xin Zhao (UIBE)

15:50-16:30 Duopoly Competition through Information Design

Jie Zheng (Shandong University)

16:30-17:10 Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Good News or Bad News?

Ming Li (Concordia University)

17:10-17:50 The Value of Anonymous Option

Wanzhu Zhang (Tianjin University)


18:00-20:00 Conference Dinner


Day Two, 22 October 2023

Session V: 8:30-10:00 Chaired by Qinyi Liu (UIBE) 

8:30-9:20 Keynote: The Collective Security Dilemma of Preemptive Strikes

Kai Konrad (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance)

9:20-10:00 Selecting the Best: The Persistent Effects of Luck

Marc Moeller (University of Bern)


10:00-10:20 Tea Break


Session VI: 10:20-12:20 Chaired by Jin Zhang (UIBE)

10:20-11:00 On-Demand Services and Product Line Design

Bing Jing (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)

11:00-11:40 Spatial Competition with Network Effects

Fang Liu (UIBE)

11:40-12:20 Multimarket Firms and Product Liability: Uniform vs. Variable Rules

Xinyu Hua (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


12:20-12:30 Closing Ceremony

Concluding Remarks to the Workshop: Yongmin Chen (University of Colorado Boulder)

Closing Remarks: Yi Xue (Chair of School Council of SITE, UIBE)

12:30-13:30 Lunch



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