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发布时间:2023-12-21   发布人:bl   点击数:4966
1.李建培&张锦,Efficient Liability in Expert Markets,INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
1.蒋昌敏&王焜&王强&杨杭军,The Impact of High-speed Rail Competition on Airlines’On-Time Performance,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PARTB -METHODOLOGICAL
2.王焜,Subsidy on transport adaptation investment-modeling decisions under incomplete information and ambiguity,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PARTB-METHODOLOGICAL
3.陈悉榕,The Incentive Game Under Target Effects in Ridesharing: A Structural Econometric Analysis,M&SOM-MANUFACTURING & SERVICE OPERATIONSMANAGEMENT
4.欧阳涤非,Did China's Bank Ownership Reform Improve Credit Allocation, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW
5.郑玮,No Free Lunch After All: Corporate Political Connections and Firms’ Location Choices,ORGANIZATION SCIENCE (学校等级)
1.陈悉榕&董康银,Joint Investment on Resilience of Cross-country Transport Infrastructure,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY ANDPRACTICE
2.蒋昌敏,How Do Pandemics Affect Intercity Air Travel? Implications for Traffic and Environment,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY ANDPRACTICE
3.蒋昌敏,Synthetic control methods for policy analysis: Evaluating the effect of the European Emission Trading System on aviation supply,,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY ANDPRACTICE
4.孙一飞,Maskin meets Abreu and Matsushima,THEORETICAL ECONOMICS
5.吕越,Foreign direct investment, innovation, and domestic value-added in exports: Firm-level evidence from China,REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS
6.谌哲,Do exporters respond to both tariffs and nominal exchange rates? Evidence from Chinese firm-product data,REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS
7.王焜&杨杭军,Airport-airline Relationship, Competition and Welfare in a Multi-airport System The Case of New Beijing Daxing Airport,JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AND POLICY
8.江萍&邵新建&薛熠,The Role of a Long-term Investor-underwriter Relationship in Auctioned IPO,JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE
9.史燕平,Finance Leases: In the Shadow of Banks,REVIEW OF FINANCE
10.王韡,The Impact of COVID-19 on the Ride-Sharing Industry and Its Recovery: Causal Evidence from China,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY ANDPRACTICE
11.赵映雪,Financing decision for a remanufacturing supply chain with a capital constrained retailer: A study from the perspective of market uncertainty,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS
1.郑晓佳,Data assets, information uses, and operational efficiency,APPLIED ECONOMICS
2.刘树林,An economic analysis of maximally representative allocations,APPLIED ECONOMICS
3.赵映雪 ,Information sharing and sales format strategy under platform economy and cap-and-trade, COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
4.曹小勇&龚炯,State aid in government procurement, WORLD ECONOMY
5.洪俊杰, Environmental spillovers in international joint ventures: Evidence from  Chinese industrial firms, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
6.江萍&石贝贝, Common ownership and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China, AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS
7.董康银&董秀成, How does energy trilemma eradication reduce carbon emissions? The role of dual environmental regulation for China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
8.陈福中&董康银,How do FDI inflows curvilinearly affect carbon emissions? Threshold effects of energy service availability and cleanliness, AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS
9.江萍, Environmental performance and corporate innovation in China: The moderating impact of firm ownership, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
10.蒋昌敏, Optimal scale and capacity integration in a port cluster under demand uncertainty, 
11.韩玉桃, On regional integration, fiscal income, and GDP per capita, SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY
12.董康银;董秀成, How green trade influences pollution emissions in China: A provincial perspective,ENERGY ECONOMICS
13.董康银,Envisaging the carbon emissions efficiency of digitalization: The case of the internet economy for China, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
14.董康银&董秀成 , How does the digital economy improve high-quality energy development? The case of China, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
15.刘沁怡, Job Tasks and Cognitive Skill Accumulation, APPLIED ECONOMICS
16.董康银&董秀成, Green energy as a new determinant of green growth in China: The role of green technological innovation, ENERGY ECONOMICS
17.董康银, How does the digital economy accelerate global energy justice? Mechanism discussion and empirical tes,ENERGY ECONOMICS
18.王明喜, Artificial regression test diagnostics for impact measures in spatial models, ECONOMICS LETTERS
19.李翊良, A big data approach to cargo type prediction and its implications for oil trade estimation, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS ANDTRANSPORTATION REVIEW
20.彭玉磊, Monetary policy rules and the equity premium in a segmented markets model, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS
21.董康银&董秀成, Is green growth affected by financial risks? New global evidence from asymmetric and heterogeneous analysis, ENERGY ECONOMICS
22.董康银&董秀成, Assessing the digital economy and its carbon-mitigation effects: The case of China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
23.杨杭军&王焜&郭琳, Intercity network expansion by low-cost carrier or high-speed rail, from the environmental perspective, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT
24.董康银, Information spillover and market connectedness: multi-scale quantile-on-quantile analysis of the crude oil and carbon markets, APPLIED ECONOMICS
25.蒋昌敏, Subsidies for green technology adoption under uncertain demand and incomplete information, OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENTSCIENCE
26.陈悉榕, Earthquake and household energy consumption- Evidence from the Wenchuan earthquake in China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
27.董秀成&董康银, How does ICT agglomeration affect carbon emissions? The case of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
28.李晓明, Modelling the Great Recession as a Bank Panic: Challenges, ECONOMICA
29.董康银&蒋庆哲, Income inequality, energy poverty, and energy efficiency: Who cause who and how? TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
30.董康银&蒋庆哲, High-quality energy development in China: Comprehensive assessment and its impact on CO2 emissions, ENERGY ECONOMICS
31.董康银, How will sectoral coverage in the carbon trading system affect the total oil consumption in China? A CGE-based analysis, ENERGY ECONOMICS
32.马捷, Tax competition for FDI: China’s exceptional approach, INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE
33.韩玉桃, Does revenue sharing reduce regional disparity?, APPLIED ECONOMICS
34.董康银, How inclusive financial development eradicates energy poverty in China? The role of technological innovation , ENERGY ECONOMICS
35.王兴春, Pricing vulnerable options under correlated skew Brownian motions, JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS
36.董康银, The cost-benefit comparisons of China's and India's NDCs based on carbon marginal abatement cost curves, ENERGY ECONOMICS
37.蒋灵多&张国峰, Digital trade barriers and export performance: Evidence from China, SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL
38.郑玮&洪俊杰, The role of government policies in explaining the internationalization of Chinese firms, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
39.董秀成&董康银, How financial inclusion affects the collaborative reduction of pollutant and carbon emissions: The case of China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
40.王焜, An analysis of the Chinese scheduled freighter network during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
41.董康银, How does energy poverty eradication promote green growth in China? The role of technological innovation , TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
42.刘梦迪, Environmental Regulation, Compliance Strategies and Productivity: Evidence from China, LAND ECONOMICS
43.魏巍贤, Would carbon tax be an effective policy tool to reduce carbon emission in China? Policies simulation analysis based on a CGE model, APPLIED ECONOMICS
44.蒋灵多&刘婉琳, Fireworks regulation, air pollution, and public health: Evidence from China, REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS
45.董秀成&董康银 , Do pollutant discharge fees affect labor demand? evidence from china’s industrial enterprises, APPLIED ECONOMICS
46.欧阳涤非, State-owned banks in credit stimulus evidence from China, APPLIED ECONOMICS
47.蒋庆哲&董秀成&董康银, How does industrial structure adjustment reduce CO2 emissions? Spatial and mediation effects analysis for China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
48.王焜&董秀成&董康银, Is smart transportation associated with reduced carbon emissions? The case of China, ENERGY ECONOMICS
1.杨长春, Spatiotemporal dynamic network for regional maritime vessel flow prediction amid COVID-19, TRANSPORT POLICY
2.董康银&董秀成, Is Financial Risk A Stumbling Block to the Development of Digital Economy? A Global Case, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE
3.董康银, Nexus between green technology innovation, green financing, and CO2 emissions in the G7 countries: The moderating role of social globalisation, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
4.邵新建, Does the reform of the IPO pricing affect M&A?, FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS
5.董秀成&董康银, Is China’s green growth possible? The roles of green trade and green energy, ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
6.丁蓉, Partial compatibility in two-sided markets: Equilibrium and welfare analysis, ECONOMIC MODELLING
7.陈福中, Informal financial education and consumer financial capability: The mediating role of financial knowledge, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
8.陈福中, Dynamic linkages between energy efficiency, renewable energy along with economic growth and carbon emission. A case of MINT countries an asymmetric analysis , Energy Reports
9.陈福中, The ownership, innovation and sustainable development of micro and small enterprises: Evidence of China, SAGE OPEN
10.王明喜, Quality incentive contract design in government procurement for innovation, MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS
11.张国峰, The elusive impacts of tariff reduction on firm selection, ECONOMICS OF TRANSITION AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE
12.彭玉磊, Digital finance and investment of micro and small enterprises: Evidence from China, CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW
13.陈福中, The impact of household debt on food expenditure and its mechanism in urban China, JOURNAL OF FAMILY AND ECONOMIC ISSUES
14.贾荣雯&杨杭军&董康银, Does electric vehicle promotion in the public sector contribute to urban transport carbon emissions reduction?, TRANSPORT POLICY
15.董康银, Mitigating carbon emissions by accelerating green growth in China, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY
16.董康银, Moving toward carbon neutrality: Assessing natural gas import security and its impact on CO2 emissions, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
17.王兴春, Exchange options and spread options with stochastically correlated underlyings, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
18.毛捷,Firm Performance and Economic Development: Evidence from a Unique Dataset of China, ECONOMICS OF TRANSITION AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE
19.吕越, Global value chain engagement and air pollution: Evidence from Chinese firms, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS
20.李静, Political connection, contract intensity, and OFDI: Evidence from China, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS
21.郑文平, Does COVID-19 make the firms’ performance worse? Evidence from the Chinese listed companies, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY
22.王兴春, Pricing options on the maximum of two average prices under stochastic volatility models, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
23.董秀成&董康银, Green efficiency of natural gas and driving factors analysis: the role of the natural gas price in China, Energy Efficiency
24.王焜, The electric vehicle promotion in the cold-chain logistics under two-sided  support policy: An evolutionary game perspective, TRANSPORT POLICY
25.苑德宇, Valuing the impact of climate change on China’s economic growth, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY
26.何超华, Corporate environmental responsibility and bank loans, Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
27.江萍&蒋先玲, Female Directors’ Foreign Experience and Environmental and Sustainable Performance, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES
28.江萍, Non-Linear Nexus between Economic Policy Uncertainty and Bank Lending, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE
29.何超华, Urbanization, inclusive finance and urban-rural income gap, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
30.刘树林, Effects of risk aversion in auctions without and with default, MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS
31.董康银, How will natural gas market reforms affect carbon marginal abatement costs? Evidence from China, ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH
32.王兴春, Valuing fade-in options with default risk in Heston-Nandi GARCH models, REVIEW OF DERIVATIVES RESEARCH
33.王兴春, Pricing vulnerable options with stochastic liquidity risk, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ANDFINANCE
34.刘沁怡, How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Job Sentiments of Rural Teachers, CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW
35.刘梦迪, Can Trade Liberalization Promote Green Production? Evidence from China's Manufacturing Enterprises, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS
36.崔鑫生, Can better business environments promote trade partners' economic growth?, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
37.董康银, Dynamic linkages between economic policy uncertainty and the carbon futures market: Does Covid-19 pandemic matter?, Resources Policy
38.王韡&徐朝阳, Distance to Frontier and Optimal Financial Structure, STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS
39.王兴春, Pricing European basket warrants with default risk under stochastic volatility models, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
40.张麟凤&王焜&杨杭军, Measuring Beijing's international air connectivity and suggestions for improvement post COVID-19, TRANSPORT POLICY
41.董秀成&董康银, How digital industries affect China's carbon emissions? Analysis of the direct and indirect structural effects, Technology in Society
42.蓝庆新, Estimation of China's Green Investment Efficiency in Belt and Road Countries -Based on SBM-Undesirable Model and Malmquist Index Model, FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH
43.王焜&杨杭军, Rail's efficiency gain by separating affiliated businesses and its impact on product mix of export by rail, TRANSPORT POLICY
44.王兴春&邵新建, Exchange options for catastrophe risk management, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ANDFINANCE
45.王兴春, Pricing basket spread options with default risk under Heston-Nandi GARCH models, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE
12.邵新建&王兴春,中国机构投资者的学习机制研究——理性贝叶斯还是简单强化式学习, 金融研究


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