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1月15日,潘斯琦 (澳大利亚墨尔本大学)
发布时间:2024-01-14   发布人:bl   点击数:3697
2024年1月15日(周一)13:30-15:00 潘斯琦  (澳大利亚墨尔本大学)
讲座题目:The Role of Student Priorities in Information Acquisition
讲座摘要:We study how information about priorities or admission chances affects learning in a school choice problem. Students derive utility from a known common component (“school quality”) and an unknown idiosyncratic component (“school fit”). They can learn about the idiosyncratic component, and thus their own preferences, at a cost. Students are assigned to schools using Random Serial Dictatorship, in which a lottery determines students' priorities. Three commonly used policies in practice provide students with vastly different information about priorities. Before students learn about their preferences, they receive no information about their priorities under the “Unknown” policy, full information under the “Known” policy, and partial information under the “Coarse” policy. We show theoretically that, more information about priorities is not necessarily better for student welfare. However, experimentally, more information is better because subjects make fewer strategic mistakes with more clarity and certainty about priorities.
潘斯琦博士现为墨尔本大学经济系Senior Lecturer (Advanced Assistant Professor)。她于2017年获得俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士学位,目前的研究工作主要专注于采用实验经济学和理论经济学的方法研究市场设计和产业组织领域的问题。她的研究成果已发表于经济学国际知名期刊Quantitative Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, Games and Economi Behavior,以及International Journal of Game Theory。


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