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6月6日,赵玮 (中国人民大学)
发布时间:2024-05-30   发布人:bl   点击数:3319
2024年6月6日(周四)13:30-15:00 赵玮 (中国人民大学)
讲座人:赵玮  (中国人民大学经济学院讲师)
讲座题目:Algorithmic Collusion and Price Discrimination: The Over-Usage of Data
讲座摘要:As firms' pricing strategies increasingly rely on algorithms, two concerns have received much attention: algorithmic tacit collusion and price discrimination. This paper investigates the interaction between these two issues through simulations. In each period, a new buyer arrives with independently and identically distributed willingness to pay (WTP), and each firm, observing private signals about WTP, adopts Q-learning algorithms to set prices. We document two novel mechanisms that lead to collusive outcomes. Under asymmetric information, the algorithm with information advantage adopts a Bait-and-Restrained-Exploit strategy, surrendering profits on some signals by setting higher prices, while exploiting limited profits on the remaining signals by setting much lower prices. Under a symmetric information structure, competition on some signals facilitates convergence to supra-competitive prices on the remaining signals. Algorithms tend to collude more on signals with higher expected WTP. Both uncertainty and the lack of correlated signals exacerbate the degree of collusion, thereby reducing both consumer surplus and social welfare. A key implication is that the over-usage of data, both payoff-relevant and non-relevant, by AIs in competitive contexts will reduce the degree of collusion and consequently lead to a decline in industry profits. 


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