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6月19日,王绍达 (美国芝加哥大学,NBER)
发布时间:2024-06-14   发布人:bl   点击数:2072
2024年6月19日(周三)13:30-15:00 王绍达 (美国芝加哥大学,NBER)
讲座人:王绍达  (美国芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院助理教授,NBER)
讲座题目:The Law and Economics of Lawyers: Evidence from the Revolving Door in China’s Judicial System
讲座摘要:This paper studies the roles of lawyers in shaping judicial and economic outcomes, exploiting the unique setting of “revolving-door” lawyers in China’s judicial system. By compiling a comprehensive dataset covering the universes of judges, lawyers, law firms, litigants, and lawsuits in China from 2014 to 2021, we identify over 14,000 judges who left their positions to practice as lawyers, accounting for 6.6% (2.6%) of all judges (lawyers) nationwide. We report three main findings. First, in otherwise identical lawsuits, these revolving-door lawyers obtain significantly more favorable court decisions for their clients. Second, leveraging within-lawyer variation in performances at home vs. away courts, we show that the premium of revolving-door lawyers comes from both “know who” and “know how.” Third, revolving-door lawyers create an efficiency-equity trade-off for society — on the one hand, they present evidence and reasoning to help judges make more informed decisions; on the other hand, they use connections and strategic arguments to help their (affluent) clients, thereby biasing judicial decisions and exacerbating socio-economic inequalities. We extend the theoretical framework of Dewatripont and Tirole (1999) to quantify these trade-offs.
Shaoda Wang is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and an affiliate of the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis in Development (BREAD). He also serves as the deputy faculty director of the China branches of the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI-China) and the Energy Policy Institute at UChicago (EPIC-China). He is an applied economist with research interests in development economics, environmental economics, and political economy, with a regional focus on China. He holds a BA from Peking University, and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining Harris, he was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Economics and Energy Policy Institute (EPIC) at the University of Chicago.


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