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12月19日,谯涌川 (中国电子科技大学) |
发布时间:2024-12-05 发布人:bl 点击数:1915 |
2024年12月19日(周四)13:30-15:00 谯涌川 (中国电子科技大学) 讲座系列:产业组织理论与政策系列讲座第28场(学科发展系列讲座总期第78场) 讲座人: 谯涌川 (中国电子科技大学) 时间:2024年12月19日(周四)13:30-15:00 地点:博学楼1220 主持人:孙一飞(对外经贸大学国际经济贸易学院经济学系教授) 讲座题目:The revelation principle with information networks 讲座摘要:We study the revelation principle on information networks (digraphs) whereby agents have access to information that their neighbors have. We show, through an example, that the revelation principle may fail in the presence of networks. We provide a full characterization of the revelation principle in a framework of Bayesian games with communication under an information network structure—-that is, any equilibrium of any Bayesian communication game with information network G can be represented by an incentive-compatible direct-revelation mechanism iff G is a transitive network (that is closed under the directed-link transitivity). This gives rise to a well-defined notion of G-communication equilibria, which is composed of a convex polyhedron of incentive-compatible direct-revelation mechanisms under the information network structure. Our approach is applicable to a plethora of revelation principles discussed in the literature. 主讲人简介: 谯涌川博士是中国电子科技大学管理与经济学院的副教授,2017 年于新加坡国立大学获得博士学位。他的研究重点涵盖博弈论、微观经济学理论、信息设计以及网络经济学等领域。目前,他已在《Journal of Economic Theory》期刊上发表了两篇论文。 ![]() |
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