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发布时间:2011-03-03   发布人:   点击数:6188

(1)李建培,2010, "Partnership Dissolution, Complementarity, and Investment Incentives," joint with Elmar Wolfstetter, Oxford Economics Papers, (SSCI)


(2)许亦平、林桂军和孙华妤,2010 ”Accounting for China-US Trade Imbalance: An Ownership- Based Approach” Review of International Economics,Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 540–551, August 2010。该期刊是国际贸易领域世界最著名期刊之一。本文在美国学者上世纪80年代末90年代初提出的两国属权法贸易核算模型的基础上,开发出三国核算模型。本文的发表意味着我校在属权贸易核算方法领域的研究已进入世界先进水平。为研究中美贸易不平衡,本文推导出易于操作的简化模型,研究结果对于解决中美贸易不平衡具有重要的意义,成果曾经得到美国贸易委员会经济学家的高度评价。根据本文实证研究所得出的结论,我国对美贸易顺差主要来自非美国在华投资企业,例如,2003年我国对美国贸易顺差的近70%是由于非美国在华外商独资企业对美的进出口,我国对美的属权法贸易顺差只有传统跨境核算方法的22.%。结果还表明,近年来美国在华投资企业实际上促进了中美贸易顺差的减少。根据本文的研究,解决中美贸易不平衡实际上是一个涉及多国利益的更复杂的问题。


(3)刘树林,王明喜,2010, Sealed-bid auctions based on Cobb-Douglas utility function, Economics Letters, 107(1): 1-3 (SSCI)


(4)葛嬴,2010,"Distributional Overlap: Simple, Multivariate, Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests for Alienation, Convergence and General Distributional Difference Issues," with G. Anderson and T. Leo, Econometric Reviews, Volume 29, Issue 3,247 - 275 (SSCI)


(5)江萍,2010,“A Transparency Disclosure Index Measuring Disclosures: Chinese listed Companies” coauthored with Yan-leung Cheung and Weiqiang Tan, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 29 (2010) 259–280  (SSCI)


(6) 杨伟勇,2010,"Economic Structural Changes and Rural Income: Evidence from Chinese Provinces during the Reform Period ", China Economic Review, (SSCI)


(7) 董保民,2010, “The Loss from Trade under International Cournot Oligopoly with Cost Asymmetry”, with Lasheng Yuan, Review of International Economics, Volume 18, Issue 5, pages 818–831, November 2010


(8)束景虹,“The New Market for Volatility Trading", co-authored with Jin Zhang and Menachem Brenner, Journal of Futures Markets, Volume 30, Issue 9, pages 809–833, September 2010 (SSCI)


(9)曹小勇,"Equilibria in First Price Auctions with Participation Costs", coauthored with Guoqiang Tian, Games and Economic Behavior, 69 (2010) 258–273  (SSCI)


(10) 余白敏,"Index-Exciting CAViaR: A New Empirical Time-Varying Risk Model," (with Dashuan Huang, Zudi Lu, Frank J. Fabozzi, and Masao Fukushimain) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2010, vol. 14, issue 2 (SSCI)


(11)姚顺利, 2010, A Globally Consistent Framework for Reliability-based Trade Statistics Reconciliation in the Presence of an Entrepôt (with Zhi Wang, Mark Gehlhar)China Economic Review, 21(1): 161-189(SSCI)



(12)江萍 “Does Corporate Governance Predict Future Performance? Evidence from Hong Kong”,coauthored with Yan-Leung Cheung,J. Thomas Connelly and Piman Limpaphayom Financial Management ,(SSCI)


(13)董保民, 2009, Forecasting Long-run Coal Price in China: A Shifting Trend Time Series Approach, Review of Development Economics Volume 14, Issue 3, pages 499–519, August 2010


(14) 邵新建,巫和懋,“中国IPO市场周期:基于投资者情绪与政府择时发行的分析”《金融研究》2010年第12期


(15) 刘树林, 2010, A weighted product method for bidding strategies in multi-attribute auctions, coauthored with Mingxi Wang, Shouyang Wang & Kin Keung Lai, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 23(1), 194 – 208, February 25, 2010.


(16)赵忠秀, “FDI and Industrial Productivity in China: Evidence from Panel Data in 2001-2006,” with Kevin H. Zhang,Review of Development Economics, (SSCI).



(17) 束景虹, “机会窗口,逆向选择成本与股权融资偏好”,金融研究,2010年第四期


(18) 洪俊杰,2010,”Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries: Urban Diversity or Urban Size?” (with Fu Shihe) Journal of Regional Science (SSCI)


(19) 杨伟勇,“Rural households decisions towards income diversification: Evidence from a township in northern China”,China Economic Review 21 (2010) , Pages S32-S44, with Sylvie Démurger and Martin Fournier, (SSCI).


(20) 董保民,张锦,2010,International R&D Networks, Review of International Economics


(21)徐朝阳, 2010, 发展战略与经济增长, 与林毅夫合作,《中国社会科学》2010年第3期。


(22)孙华妤 潘红宇,“操纵人民币汇率?可能与现实”,《世界经济》2010年第10期.


(23) 董保民,2010,“A Theory of Financial Liberalization: Why are Developing Countries so Reluctant?” (with Xinhua Gu) World Economy


(24) 薛熠、何茵:“次贷危机对中国经济的影响——基于创新的金融危机测度指标的实证分析”,《金融研究》,2010年第五期


(25)周婷, 林桂军, 冷柏军, 2010, “Important Export Skills Comparison in Different Export Stage: an Empirical study of Chinese Firms," Journal of Chinese and Economic Foreign Trade Studies Vol. 3 No. 3, 2010, pp. 204-220.


(26)周婷,林桂军,李洋,2010,“Determinants of Interest in the Acquisition of Export Skills for Chinese Exporter”, Journal of Technology Management in China,  Vol. 5, Issue 3.


(27)崔凡, 2010, Incomplete contracts, joint ventures and ownership restrictions, Oxford Economic Papers, (SSCI)


(28)赵映雪, 2010, Coordination of Supply Chains by Option Contracts: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach. European Journal of Operational Research 207, 668-675.


(29)赵映雪, 论文 Buyback Contracts with a Stochastic Demand Curve获第九次中国物流学术年会论文三等奖, 2010年10月




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