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发布时间:2013-01-18   发布人:zs   点击数:7565


1、荆然:The Collapse Speed of China's Exports in the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis,CESIFO ECONOMIC STUDIES,VOL.58(4)

2、赵映雪:Loss-averse newsvendor model with two ordering opportunities and market information updating,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS,VOL.140(2)

3、赵映雪:Sales Rebate Contracts in Fashion Supply Chains,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING

4、郑榕:Can increases in the cigarette tax rate be linked to cigarette retail prices? Solving mysteries related to the cigarette pricing mechanism in China,TOBACCO CONTROL,VOL.21(6)

5、朱明侠:Emerging Consumer Perspectives on American Franchise Offerings: Variety Seeking Behavior in China,JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT,VOL.50(4)

6、洪俊杰:Exploring the role of government involvement in outward FDI from emerging economies,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES,VOL.43(7)

7、洪俊杰:What drives outward FDI of Chinese firms? Testing the explanatory power of three theoretical frameworks,INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW

8、洪俊杰:Antecedents of outward FDI in emerging economies: direct and moderating effects of government involvement,Journal of International Business Studies,VOL.43

9、冯强:A GEL-based AIC for model selection,ECONOMICS LETTERS,VOL.116(3)

10、马捷:Advertising Subsidy and International Oligopolistic Competition,REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS,VOL.20(4)

11、杨杭军:Impact of Regulation on Transport Infrastructure Capacity and Service Quality,JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AND POLICY,VOL.46

12、杨杭军:Impact of discounting and competition on benefit of decentralization with strategic customers,OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS,VOL.40(2)

13、杨杭军:An Analysis of the Dynamics of Ownership, Capacity Investments and Pricing Structure of Ports,TRANSPORT REVIEWS,VOL.32(5)

14、杨杭军:Effects of High-speed Rail and Air Transport Competition on Prices, Profits and Welfare,Transportation Research Part B

15、葛嬴:Unions and firm innovation in China: Synergy or strife?,CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW,VOL.23(1)

16、裴建锁:How much do exports contribute to China’s income growth?,ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH,VOL.24(3)

17、裴建锁:Trade, production fragmentation, and China's carbon dioxide emissions,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT,VOL.64(1)

18、裴建锁:Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Exports: A Quantitative Estimation,China Economic Review

19、束景虹:Causality in the VIX futures market,JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS,VOL.32(1)

20、龚炯、李建培:Split-award contracts with investment,JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS,VOL.96

21、董保民、龚炯:FDI and environmental regulation: pollution haven or a race to the top?,JOURNAL OF REGULATORY ECONOMICS,VOL.41(2)

22、王明喜:Optimal investment and uncertainty on China's carbon emission abatement,ENERGY POLICY,VOL.41

23、唐丹:Levy risk model with two-sided jumps and a barrier dividend strategy,INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS,VOL.50(2)

24、薛熠:Trading frequency and volatility clustering,JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE,VOL.36(3)

25、薛熠、何茵、邵新建:Butterfly effect: The US real estate market downturn and the Asian recession,FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS

26、薛熠:Hierarchical information and the rate of information diffusion,JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL,VOL.36(9)

27、何茵:Southern Innovation and Reverse Knowledge Spillovers:A Dynamic FDI Model,International Economic Review

28、李鲲鹏:Statistical analysis of factor models of high dimension,ANNALS OF STATISTICS

29、李鲲鹏:Statistical analysis of factor models of high dimension,Annals of Statistics

30、王春华:Estimating the demand for public open space: Evidence from North Carolina municipalities,PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE,VOL.91(1)

31、张锦:The size of stable cartels: An analytical approach,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION,VOL.30(2)

32、赵波:Monopoly, economic efficiency and unemployment,ECONOMIC MODELLING,VOL.29(3)

33、余白敏:Portfolio selection of a closed-end mutual fund,MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH

34、刘树林:Multi-attribute procurement auctions with risk averse suppliers,ECONOMICS LETTERS,VOL.115(3)

35、王强:Drivers of Relationship Quality in Logistics Outsourcing in China,JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT,VOL.48(3)

36、储昭仿:Logistics and economic growth: a panel data approach,ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE,VOL.49(1)


1、洪俊杰:劳动力自由迁移为何如此重要——基于代际收入流动的视角,经济研究, 2012年第5期

2、邵新建、薛熠:中国企业跨国并购的战略目标与经营绩效:基于A股市场的评价,世界经济, 2012年第5期








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