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发布时间:2007-11-26   发布人:   点击数:2627
葛嬴, 2005, “Debt Maturity Structure and Firm Investment” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Financial Management, 34 (4): 107-119.

葛嬴, 2005, “The Size Distribution of Chinese Cities” (with G. Anderson) Regional Science and Urban Economics 35(6): 756-776.

王强, 2005, “A Taxonomy of Information Technology Strategy and its Effect on the Performance of 3PL firms in China” (with F. Lai and X. Zhao)International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming

孔淑红, 2005, “The Effect of Stock Policy on ZJ Stocks in the Chinese markets” (with M. Taghavi) Journal of International Business Strategy 2(1)

束景虹, 2005, “Testing range estimators of historical volatility”, Journal of Futures Markets, forthcoming

孔淑红, 2005, “The Effect of Annual Earnings Announcements on the Chinese Stock Markets” (with M. Taghavi) International Advances in Economic Research 12(3)

孙华妤, 2005, “How Long can the Renminbi Peg Last? Policy Options to Deal with Revaluation Pressures” (with Y. Ma) China Economic Review 16(2): 103-117.

葛嬴, 2005, “Can Corporatization Improve the Performance of State-Owned enterprises Even Without Privatization?” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Corporate Finance 11(5): 791-808.

葛嬴, 2005, “Corporate Governance and Manager Turnover: An Unusual Social Experiment” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Banking and Finance 29 (6): 1459-1481.

葛嬴, 2005, “The Impact of Leverage on Firm Investment: Canadian Evidence” (with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu) Journal of Corporate Finance 11(1-2): 277-291.



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