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发布时间:2007-11-26   发布人:   点击数:2805
我院教师王强博士和王晓东博士的论文“Strategic Postures of Third-Party Logistics Providers in Mainland China”International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management(2006, Volume 36, Number 10)正式发表。International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management是国际上物流管理领域最顶尖的学术期刊之一。所发表的论文由王强、王晓东与美国Southern Mississippi大学Kenneth Zantow博士和Fujun Lai博士合作完成。

我院教师王强博士的论文“The Impact of Information Technology on Competitive Advantage of Logistics Firms in China”Industrial Management & Data Systems(2006, Volume 106, Number 9)正式发表。Industrial Management & Data Systems是国际上管理科学领域著名的学术期刊,被SCI收录。所发表的论文由王强与美国Southern Mississippi大学Fujun Lai博士和香港中文大学赵先德教授合作完成。

朱明侠, 2006, “International Franchising Performance in China” International Journal of Global Business & Trade, 2(2), forthcoming

杨伟勇, 2006, “Economic Reforms and Afforestation Incentives in Rural China” (with S. Démurger) Environment and Development Economics, forthcoming

奉立城,许伟河, 2006, “Has the Reform of Non-tradable Shares Raised Stock Prices? An Event Study” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade forthcoming

2006年国际著名杂志《经济学家》专题报道了"林桂军教授与哥伦比亚大学Ronald Schramm教授合作关于中国投资与储蓄运作模式的研究成果,并给予高度评价。见Chinese capital markets,Out of the shadowsDec. 13th, 2006, The Economist),这标志我校的学术研究成果已具有国际影响。

赵忠秀, 2006, Multinational Corporations and Technology Transfers in Developing Countries” (with H. Zhang) International Economics, forthcoming

王健教授论文《An empirical investigation of the effects of e-readiness factors on e-business adoption in China’s international trading industry》(Co-authored with Fujun Lai, Da-hui Li and Joe Hutchinson)发表在International Journal of Electronic BusinessVol. 4, Nos. 3/4, 2006, p320-339

陈志鸿, 2006, “Measuring the Poverty Lines for Urban Households in China — An Equivalence Scale Method” China Economic Review, 17(3): 239-252

朱明侠, 2006, “The impact of Sino-western cultural differences on IT products consumption” (with R. Quan and K. Xuan) Journal of Technology Management in China 1(2): 159-173

许亦平, 2006, “The behavior of the exchange rate in the genetic algorithm with agents having long memory” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16(3): 279-297.

葛嬴, 2006, “The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Urban Wage, an Empirical Examination” Urban Studies, 43(9): 1439-1450.



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