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发布时间:2008-07-25   发布人:   点击数:8424
1. 江萍, 2009, "Transparency Index and Company Valuation: Evidence from Hong Kong” co-authored with Yan-leung Cheung and Weiqiang Tan  is selected as the 2009 winning paper of the Hong Kong Asian Capital Markets Research Prize by The CFA Institute and Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts (HKSFA).
2. 孙华妤,2009,“The Autonomy and Effectiveness of Chinese Monetary Policy under De Facto Fixed Exchange Rate System”,China and World Economy, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 23-38 (SSCI)
3. 董保民、赵昕,2009,“International Environmental Agreement Formation and Trade”,Asian Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Volume 16, Issue No. 3, 339-356
4. 杨伟勇, 2009, "Forest Management Policies and Resource Balance in China: An Assessment of the Current Situation, with Demurger and Hou Yuanzhao", The Journal of Environment & Development, 18: 17-41.
5. 唐宜红,2009,“EU Antidumping Investigations against China: Characteristics and Determinants”,The Chinese Economy(与徐世腾博士合作)
6. 陈延晶, "Agglomeration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: the case of China," China Economic Review, Volume 20, Issue 3, 549-557 (SSCI)
7. 赵忠秀,吕智, 2009,"Global Supply Chain and the Chinese Auto Industry," The Chinese Economy
8. 李建培, 2009, "Team Production with Inequity-averse Agents", Portuguese Economic Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 119-136 (SSCI)
9. 赵忠秀,2009, "Horizontal and vertical spillover effects of foreign direct investment in Chinese manufacturing" published in Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009.
10.姚顺利,2009,"Why Are Chinese Exports Not So Special?" China and World Economy, Vol. 17, Issue 3, 23-38 (SSCI)
11.洪俊杰,2009, Firm heterogeneity and location choices: evidence from foreign manufacturing investments in China, Urban Studies, Vol.46, Issue 10, 2143-2157 (SSCI)
12.李建培, 2009, "Efficient Tournaments in Teams", with Alex Gershkov and Paul Schweinzer, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 40, Issue 1, 103-119 (SSCI)
13.葛嬴, 2009, Globalization and Industry Agglomeration in China, World Development, Vol. 27, No. 3, 550-559 (SSCI)
14.Wang, C.; Clegg, J.; Kafouros, M., 2009, "Country-of-Origin Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: An Industry Level Analysis", Management International Review, Vol.49(2), 179-198 (SSCI)
15.Wang, C.; Kafouros, M., 2009, "What Factors Determine Innovation Performance in Emerging Economies? Evidence from China", International Business Review, Vol.18(6), 606-616 (SSCI)
16. 王健, 2009, "E-Business Assimilation in China's International Trade Frims: The Technology-Organization-Environment Framework", with Li, DH and Lai FJ, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 39-65 (SSCI)
17. 刘树林, 2009, Assess the Goodness of Fit for Risk Aversion Parameter of first Price Auction via Nonparametric Method”, coauthored with Anxin and Shuo Xu, Journal of Management Science and Statistical Decision, 6(4), 38-42.
18.何茵, 2009, 政府收入、税收结构与中国经济增长, (与沈明高合作)《金融研究》,2009年第9期(总第351期) pp14-25


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