School of International Trade and Economics - University of International Business and Economics

Department of International Business and Cooperation

Du, Qihua


Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, UIBE

Director, China Society for World Trade Organization Studies

Research Interests:

      Theories and Practices of International Economics and Trade

Courses Taught:

International Economic Cooperation

International Investment

Project Implementation and Management

Introduction to the Real Estate Business


Bachelor, Nankai University, 1983

Master of Arts, Economics, International Trade, UIBE, 1987


      Visiting Scholar, Seton Hall University, 1997-1999


Academic Books and Textbooks

1.      《国际投资》

2.      《国际经济合作》

3.      《商务国际投资》

4.      《商务国际合作》

5.      《国际经济合作实务》

6.      《国际经济合作与投资项目理论和实务》

7.      《国际融资》

8.      《中国企业海外投资政策与实务》

9.      《海外企业的经营与管理》

10.  《国际发展援助》

11.  《澳门经济发展模式研究》

12.  《国际经济贸易理论与实务》

13.  《中小企业海外投资操作实务》

14.  《国际投资与跨国公司案例库》

15.  《国际经济合作理论与实务》

16.  《国际投资理论与实务》

17.  《市场经济大辞典》

18.  《市场经济百科全书》

19.  《中国企业跨国经营百科全书》

20.  《最新国际经贸金融知识辞典》

21.  参与翻译《世界投资报告》

Academic Papers

1.      Issues about International Cooperation Triggered by the Collapse of Transnational Corporations

2.      On the State Risks and the Precaution in International Investment

3.      On the Reasons for the Development and Maintain of Labor Contracting Market in the Middle East

4.      Analysis of the Sources of World Bank

5.      Liquidity Analysis of Chinese Stock Market

6.      Postwar Domestic and Foreign Policies of Attlee Government of the Labor Party

7.      Characteristics and Prospects of Macau's Tourism Industry