School of International Trade and Economics - University of International Business and Economics

Department of International Business and Cooperation

Zhang, Jiajing

Zhang, Jiajing 

Tel: 010-64493187



Associate Professor, Master Student Supervisor,School of International Trade and Economics, UIBE


Research Interests:

International Trade Practice

International Trade Practices and Rules

Purchasing and Supply Management

Government Procurement


Courses Taught:

International Trade Practice

International Trade Practices and Rules

Purchasing Principles and Practices


Purchasing and Supply Management



Ph.D. of Economics


Awards and Academic Honors:

1. International Trade Practice, National Level Excellent Course, 2004 

2. Course Construction and Teaching Practice of International Trade Practice, the First Prize of Award for Beijing Outstanding Higher Education Teaching Achievements, 2004

3. Course Construction and Teaching Practice of International Trade Practice, the Second Prize of Award for National Level Higher Education Teaching Achievements, 2005

4. International Trade Practice Teaching Team, Beijing Outstanding Teaching Team, 2007

5. A Research on the Opening of China’s Government Procurement Market under WTO, the Second Prize of Award of China University Publications, 2012



1. Purchasing Principles, Project Leader, ‘211 Project’ subject, UIBE, 1998-2001

2. Purchasing Principles and Practices, Project Leader, Textbook Preparation Project,   UIBE, 2004- Feb. 2005

3. A Research on the Opening of China’s Government Procurement Market under WTO, Project Leader, ‘211 Project’ subject, UIBE, 2009-2012


Major Publications:

Academic Books and Textbooks

1. International Trade Practice (2th Edition-5th   Edition), Editor or Editor-in-Vice Chief, UIBE Press, Mar. 1994-July, 2011

2. International Trade Practice (1st Edition-3rd Edition), Editor-in-Vice Chief, UIBE Press, Jan. 2001-July 2013

3. A Research on the Opening of China’s Government Procurement Market, Author, UIBE Press, Apr. 2008

4. A Research on the Opening of China’s Government Procurement Market (2nd Edition), Author, UIBE Press, July, 2012.

Academic Papers

Many academic papers have been published in journals such as The Journal of Global Business & Trade, International Trade, China Government Procurement, CHINA BUSINESS NEWS, World Economic Research, etc.