1. Administration of the Regulations
1.1 General Administration
Persons wishing to study programs at SITE for a degree or certificate must be formally admitted to the University. The regulations on the following pages apply to undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs administered by the Faculty of School of International Trade and Economics (SITE)
1.2 Student Responsibility
a) Student is responsible for knowing the regulations of SITE and for complying with them. Any exceptions to the regulations must be approved, in writing, by Dean of the School of International Trade and Economics. Routine approval of a records form does not constitute approval of an exception.
It is also each student's responsibility to establish and maintain contact with his or her Administrative Director or program advisor.
b) In order for a student to receive his or her degree, he or she must fulfill:
- all the requirements of the SITE, including completion of an application for graduation;
- all faculty regulations;
- all University regulations;
- all financial obligations to the University.
2. Admission Requirements and Eligibility
2.1 General Requirements
For the undergraduate program, applicants will need a secondary school or high school certificate. Education should normally consist of a minimum of 12 years of study. And graduates of recognized universities will be considered for admission to the International Graduate program.
2.2 Bachelor's Program
Applicants will need a secondary school or high school certificate. Education should normally consist of a minimum of 12 years of study. Applicants will need to present transcripts from your graduation diploma or certificate, and any graduation exam results. And applications for admission are reviews as soon as all required documents are received.
2.3 Master's Program
An applicant must have completed or must be in the final year of completing a four-year (or three-year in Europe) or Honours Degree in an undergraduate program (or equivalent) in the final year of that recognized universities will be considered for admission to the program. There is no requirement for the undergraduate major. However, an applicant has no intermediate-level micro, macro and Econometrics theory and university level courses in each of calculus and statistics may be conditionally accepted. For those with deficiencies, the normal procedure is to take qualifying courses to eliminate the deficiencies in the fall session. (See Conditional Offer) Students are encouraged to have a good preparation in: principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics
2.4 PhD Program
Applicants should generally hold a master's degree, or equivalents, from a recognized university. It is SITE's policy to recruit into the program on the top students with the highest potential and who, with skills acquired from the program, are most likely to contribute substantially in a career on scientific research. There is no requirement for the undergraduate/graduate major.However, strong backgrounds in economics, mathematics and statistics are desirable. Students who lack sufficient English language skills are likely to have difficulties in the program. The Director of the PhD Program may require additional English classes to be taken if needed.
2.5 Eligibility
The possession of the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee that every qualified applicant will be offered admission. The Admission Committee takes several factors into consideration in assessing the eligibility of an applicant for admission into the program. They include the performance of the applicant based on the grade point average and the assessment provided by student's referees and etc.
2.6 Conditional Offer
What is a conditional offer? A conditional offer means that there are conditions an applicant must satisfy in order to receive degree. If applicants have received a conditional offer, this will be noted in the details on the letter ¡°Offer of Admission¡± (i.e. an applicant of IGPAE has no intermediate-level micro, macro and Econometrics theory and university level courses in each of calculus and statistics will be conditionally accepted .For those with deficiencies, the normal procedure is to take qualifying course program to eliminate the deficiencies in the fall session).
Credits taken to fulfill the requirements of the qualifying courses shall not be used for credit for the program. However, courses taken extra to the program requirements of the qualifying courses and which have been successfully completed will be considered for credit towards the program.
IGPAE Qualifying courses: AE401 Microeconomics, AE402 Macroeconomics, and AE403 Econometrics
2.7 Certificate Programs
For admission to the certificate programs, applicants are advised to consult with the Program Advisor of the program offering the certificates.
3. Application for Admission
3.1 Application Forms
Download International Students application form at www.uibe.edu.cn/upload/up_dfs/sqb.doc
Application fee CN£¤660 (See Program Fees).
The Faculty of the School of International Trade and Economics normally admits students to commence in fall term. However, the Faculty may consider Master¡¯s Degree applicants to commence in spring term. Applications for admission may be submitted at any time. Applications for admission from outside China should be completed at least four months before the desired date of admission in order for students to make the necessary visa arrangements.
Application Deadlines
Bachelor and Doctoral Degrees:¡¡June 30
Master¡¯s Degrees:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Fall- June 30, Spring-October 30,
3.2 Transcripts
One detailed official transcript of the applicant's entire university record must be sent to the Admissions office. All foreign documents, e.g., transcripts, must be translated into English.
3.3 Letters of Reference
All applications of International Graduate program must be supported by letters of recommendation from two faculty members with whom the candidate has studied, who are in a position to assess his/her potential for the program. References from non-academic supervisors are not ordinarily acceptable, except in certain cases, such as that of an applicant working in a research laboratory environment. All letters of reference are to be sent by the referees directly to the Admissions Office.
3.4 Proficiency in English
As the medium of instruction is English, all incoming students must have a good command of English. An applicant whose native language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) unless they present transcripts indicate that they have studied for two or more years at, or received a degree from, a college or university in a country where English is the language of instruction and/or the native language otherwise the requirement may be satisfied using one of the following tests:
Test of English as a Foreign Language: To present a minimum score of 550 on the paper based test of TOEFL or 213 on the computer based TOEFL.
Further Information may be obtained by writing to Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Education Testing Service£¬ P.O.box#151, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A., 08541-6151 or International English Language Testing Service (IELTS):? to present a minimum score of 5.5 on the IELTS.
3.5 Other documents
all Documents should be in English otherwise should be translated into English.? All documents are non returnable, and applicants can download forms downloaded from the below website addresses.
¡¤International Students application form: www.uibe.edu.cn/upload/up_dfs/sqb.doc
¡¤Application fee CN£¤660
¡¤Letter of Guardian: www.uibe.edu.cn/upload/up_dfs/dbs.doc
¡¤A copy of guardian's passport (parents or relatives)
¡¤A copy of applicant¡¯s passport
¡¤Two passport-size photos
¡¤Application for Residence on Campus www.uibe.edu.cn/upload/up_dfs/zssqb.doc
¡¤Non-refundable Deposit CN£¤5000 (after accept an offer of Admission)
4. Admissions Procedure
4.1 General Procedure
All applicants for admission will initially be examined and evaluated by the committee of the School of International Trade and Economics. All supporting documents (one transcript, two letters of reference, etc.) must be received before any application can receive formal consideration. The University may nullify an admission and revoke a registration if it finds that an applicant for admission or registration has, in the process, provided false or incomplete information.
Completed applications of those students whom the School wishes to recommend for admission will be forwarded to the Dean of the School of International Trade and Economics for consideration. The Admissions office will officially notify each applicant whose admission is approved.
4.2 Admission Validity for New Students
The Admission letter issued to each newly-admitted student is valid only for the twelve-month period stipulated on the form. If the applicant fails to register within this period of time, his/her admission and registration eligibility will lapse automatically. He/she may re-apply for admission.
4.3 Revocation of Admission or Registration
The University may nullify an admission and revoke a registration if it finds that an applicant for admission or registration has, in the process, provided false or incomplete information. |
5. Program Requirements
5.1 General Information
A description of each program offered under the auspices of the Faculty of SITE is presented in the Program Descriptions and details of Courses section.
5.2 Bachelor's program
The program is four-year undergraduate Program; the minimum length of stay in the program is four calendar years. However, the maximum time for completion of a bachelor's degree is within six years. This time limit is counted from the time that the students enter the undergraduate program regardless of any leave of absence taken. Students who successfully finish the program will receive the Bachelor of Economics
5.3 Master's program
The normal length of study for the International Graduate Program is one year, one-half years or for two years. However, the maximum time for completion of a master's degree is within three years. This time limit is counted from the time that the students enter the graduate program regardless of any leave of absence taken. Students who successfully finish the program will receive the Master of Economics
5.4 PhD program
Students should expect to take about four to five years (and are permitted no more than ten years) to complete a Ph.D. in economics. The school requires a minimum of 4 years duration including accumulative 3 years in-campus study. This time limit is counted from the beginning of a student¡¯s entry into the program, regardless of any leave of absence taken. Candidature will automatically lapse if the student has not received the degree within the prescribed time limit.
5.5 Qualifying-course Program (only for Applied Economics program)
Conditional offer (Qualifying courses): Applicants who get the conditional offer require to take qualifying courses. AE401 Microeconomics, AE402 Macroeconomics, and AE403 Econometrics. ?Applicants who have a program requirement of 37 credits but credits taken to fulfill the requirements of the qualifying courses shall not be used for credit for the program. |
6. Transfer of Credit
6.1 Transfer of Credit on Admission
No exemptions are granted for previously-completed undergraduate course work. As a general rule, exemptions are also not granted for previously-completed graduate course work.? However, in the exceptional case, some course work at UIBE may be exempted from one or more of the elective courses.
6.2 Transfer of Credit After Admission
A student formally admitted to and eligible to register in program not permitted to register at the other program at the same time without program Director¡¯s permission. Should he/she do so, credits may not be transferred.
Similarly, if a student normally admitted to the SITE Program wishes to enroll in courses at another university, credit will be granted only if written permission is received from the Dean or administrative Director of the School of International trade and Economics. Such permission must be received in advance of registration for the course work. |
7. Registration and Course Selection
7.1 The Calendar Year
The International undergraduate and graduate Programs divide the calendar year into three terms, and the academic year (August-May) into two terms; each term comprises about fifteen weeks of lectures or seminars. The first term of the academic year is designated as fall session; the second term of the academic year is designated as spring session. The third term of the calendar year is designated as summer session which comprises about eight weeks of lectures or seminars. The precise dates of registration for fall, spring, and summer terms are specified in the Registration section.
7.2 Course/Program Approval
Students must have approval from their Program Advisor or Administrative Director for initial course/program registration, and for any subsequent course changes. This approval is also required for all students; exchange students, undergraduate student and graduate students who wish to register courses in the other programs.
Credit will be granted only for those courses and research activities for which the candidate is formally registered. An unregistered student is not entitled to attend lectures, tutorials, or seminars. A student will receive no credit for any work completed during a term in which he/she was not properly registered.
7.3 Student Records
As the University is committed to the integrity of its student records, each student is required to provide on the application for admission his/her complete, legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration, deletion, substitution, or addition, must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. Upon making application for graduation, students may be asked to provide proof of their name.
Electronic Communication
The Administrative Office uses electronic mail communication through its Connect system as an official channel of communication with students. Students are responsible for monitoring their e-mail account on a regular basis for as long as they are active in the academic affairs of the program.
Incorrect address information will delay the receipt of awards and student information. Students must update the following address information to Administrative Director: janelee@uibe.edu.cn
- permanent or mailing address (used for registration information)
- mailing address (used for all mail during the academic session)
- telephone number for permanent address and for mailing address
The Ministry of Education, office of degree students, and office of graduate studies require that the SITE provide to them information pertaining to a student's status and other selected personal information. Upon registration as a student, one is deemed to agree to the disclosure by the School of the student's status and other selected personal information pursuant to any such requirement.
7.4 Revocation of Registration/ Admission
The University may nullify an admission and revoke a registration if it finds that an applicant for admission or registration has, in the process, provided false or incomplete information.
7.5 Course Selection
A student proceeding to a degree, diploma, or certificate must arrange his/her courses according to the regulations and requirements of the undergraduate and graduate Studies and the School of International Trade and Economics. .
7.6 Evaluation
To gain standing in a course, a student must meet the course requirements for attendance, term work, and examinations. Instructors will inform their classes by distributing written notices, before the last day for late registration, of the elements and their weighting that will contribute to the final grade, including (where applicable) attendance, class participation, essays, tests, other course-related work assignments, and final examinations.
7.7 Audit Course
Students must have approval from the instructor of the course and their Administrative Director (or Program Advisor) to register in a course as an audit. Course audit registration is limited to a maximum of 4 credits.
- Full-time students will not be charged an additional fee.
- Exchange/Special students may be permitted to audit a course :Undergraduate Courses: CN£¤1500, Graduate courses: CN£¤2680 per credit
7.8 Status
Full-or part-time status is established at the time of admission to the program.
7.10 Definition of Full-Time Status
A full-time student will initially register in a minimum of 12 credits per term. An audit is not permitted as part of the 12 credits required per term to maintain full-time status. In addition to the course load requirements described above, the following criteria for full-time status have been established by the School of the International Education for all students.
A full-time student must:
(i) identify himself or herself at the point of admission as a full-time student
(ii) be considered a full-time student by his or her Program Advisor (or Administrative Director).
(iii) be designated as a full-time student by the School of the International Trade and Economics
Students who are unsure of their status should contact the office of International Students for assistance at (86-10) 6449-2003 or email at janelee@uibe.edu.cn |
8. Continuous Registration
8.1 Loss of Status
Any candidate who remains unregistered in his/her degree program for three terms (twelve months) will lose his/her status.
8.2 Reinstatement
Students whose files have been closed as a result of failure to observe continuous registration requirements must apply for reinstatement if they wish to continue their studies. If reinstated, students must pay a reinstatement charge plus the equivalent of 12 credit tuition fees for each term in which they failed to register and including the current term of registration.
8.3 Exemption from Registration
Students who have valid reasons for not registering for a term may apply for permission to remain unregistered by:
writing to the Administrative Director of the School prior to the registration period stating the reasons for seeking exemption from registration
requesting a statement from the Administrative Director of the School of International Trade and Economics (and from their thesis supervisor, if there is one) in support of their request, confirming that they will not be on campus for the term, will not use any University facilities (that is, library, laboratories, computer centre, etc.), or receive any supervision, including supervision through correspondence
applying to the Dean of the School through the administrative Director for one calendar year (three-term) maternity leave during their program of study. While on leave students will not be registered with the faculty, nor will they be required to pay fees for this period. An administration charge per term for leave of absence must accompany each request.
It is understood that such an exemption from registration will be granted only in exceptional cases (for example, medical or other special reasons). However, it still can not be more than two years. Exemptions for undergraduate students are normally granted for one year, but in extraordinary circumstances an exemption may be granted for a longer period (e.g., Military duty)
When exemption from registration for a term or terms has been approved by the Dean of the School of International Trade and Economics, this period will be exempt from the overall time limit calculated for completion of the program.
8.4 Off-Campus Registration
Students, who have been permitted to study off campus while registered full-time at SITE, must register through Administrative Director prior to departure.
8.5 Course Changes
A course change is the addition or deletion of one or more individual courses by a registered student. This is the only acceptable procedure for revising or correcting a student's registration. All course changes must be approved by the Program Advisor (or Administrative Director) of the School. Note: The deadlines for course changes are stipulated. Fall-September10, Spring-January 20, Summer-May 27
8.6 Withdrawal
A student wishing to terminate his/her registration in the program (that is, drop all courses) must notify Program Advisor (or Administrative Director) in writing of his/her intent to withdraw.
Note: The deadlines for withdrawal are stipulated. Fall-November 10, Spring-March 5, Summer-June 20,
Withdrawal Credit
When a student officially withdraws, a full refund will be issued if notification is received within the refund period. Students are encouraged to examine the financial and awards implications of withdrawal. The refund deadline is available at the Administrative Office, in the Registration Instructions Booklet and online at http://site.uibe.edu.cn/site
To see tuition for Withdrawal and Fee adjustment |
9. Examinations
9.1 General Remarks
Final examinations in courses will be held at the times indicated in the academic schedule.
9.2 Special/Deferred Final Examinations
A student who is unable to write a final examination because of illness or other circumstances beyond his/her control, or whose performance on the examination has been impaired by such circumstances, may apply to write a special or deferred final examination. Such an application will be considered only if it is submitted in writing to the Dean of the School of International Trade and Economics within two weeks of the examination.
If the student has been seen at the UIBE Health Services, the Dean will be confirmed the illness by the treating physician. If the student has consulted a physician outside the University, he/she will be required to submit a statement from the physician confirming the illness. In cases other than illness, appropriate documents will be required. Students with special needs may also apply for special/deferred final examinations by contacting the Administrative Office..
9.3 Master's Examinations and Deadlines
In addition to any examination which may be required in individual courses, a master's candidate who is writing a thesis will be expected to undertake either an oral defense of the thesis. However, When the Master's degree is taken by course work, writing a thesis should not be required.
9.4 The PhD Qualifying Examination
All PhD students must take the Qualifying Examination in ECON 600 and ECON 601. In addition, students in International Trade must take an examination covering the material in ITR 501 and ITR 601; Finance students must take an examination covering the material in FIN 504 and FIN 600; and students in Industrial Economics must take an examination in Industrial Organization. The purpose of the Qualifying Examination is to test the student¡¯s knowledge of the fundamental principles in the subject, understanding of the basic research techniques, and competence in scholarly research, and is therefore comprehensive in the sense of not being restricted to the content of lectures.? The PhD Qualifying Examination is held twice a year in April and October. The Qualifying Examination is administered on the basis of anonymity. The identity of the professors who prepare the exam questions will not be revealed to the students.? If the examination is graded Unsatisfactory, the student may be permitted to retake the examination. If the examination is graded Unsatisfactory for a second time, the student will be disqualified for further studies. |
10. Grading System
10.1 Letter Grades
The University employs the four-point system of letter grades to represent standing in lecture courses, directed studies, seminars, tutorials, and some research essays. The letter grades used and the grade point equivalents are as below. And the following percentage equivalents apply to all final grades at UIBE.
Grades and Numerical Equivalent |
A ¡¡92-100
A- ¡¡89-91
B+ ¡¡85-88
B ¡¡81-84
B- ¡¡77-80
C+ ¡¡73-76
C ¡¡70-72
C- ¡¡60-69
F¡¡ below 60
I ¡¡Incomplete
NG No Grade
WA* Authorized Withdrawal
AUT Audit |
0.0 |
PTS-Grade Points per Course
A to C-: Pass
F: Fail
* Not used in Computing Grade Point Average |
* Not used in Computing grade point average |
10.2 Other Grading Notations
Under certain defined circumstances, notations are used instead of letter grades to represent standing. The only notations permissible in the International Graduate Programs are the following:
a notation of Pass or Non-Pass may be assigned, subject to the approval of the SITE, in certain very special courses involving practicum, field work, or other complex activities not easily adaptable to the four-point system of grading
- Audit: a notion of Aud will be assigned to any course in which the students has audited.
the master's thesis is graded Pass or Non-Pass. The oral defence is graded Pass or Non-Pass
- Fail: a notation of F will be assigned to any course in which the student has failed
if a thesis, research essay, or independent research project, is not completed by the end of the period of registration, the notation of In Progress will be recorded. The notation In Progress may, subject to the approval of the Faculty of SITE, be used for a research seminar, i.e., a seminar in which students present the results of their thesis research. This notation must be replaced by an appropriate final notation or grade (as specified above) after the thesis, research essay, independent research project, or research seminar has been examined. In cases where a student has registered in a research essay or a thesis without completing it and later undertakes course work to complete the degree program, or loses graduate student status in the program, the notation In Progress will remain as a permanent entry on the student's record.
10.3 Release of Grades
Grades can be accessed through the web site for each student as soon as the grades are available after the end of the fall and spring terms. Students are advised that no official transcripts will be released by the University until all outstanding accounts due have been paid. |
11. Academic Standing
11.1Undergraduate and graduate Programs
Standing in a courses is determined by the course instructor, subject to the approval of the faculty Dean. A grade of C- or better must normally be obtained in each course credited towards the degree. Full-time degree candidates, who fail to achieve a weighted GPA of 1.0 after two terms of study, or to maintain it subsequently, will be required to withdraw from the program. In the event of special or extenuating circumstances, the student may apply to the Dean of the SITE for permission to continue in the program.
11.2 Evaluation
In addition to the above requirements, the School will undertake a periodic evaluation of a student's progress in his or her overall program of studies and research to determine whether that progress is satisfactory. In the event that progress is deemed unsatisfactory, the department may recommend to the Dean of the School that the student be required to withdraw. |
12. Thesis Requirements
Guidelines for the preparation of theses and information on the procedures for examination of theses are available on the Web site at http://site.uibe.edu.cn/site, is also available in the Thesis Handbook, which is produced by the SITE. Students also pick up the handbook at the Office of International Students (Boxue building #1109).
12.1 General Remarks
The thesis is a requirement of the degree except Master's degree. However, the thesis must be expressed in a satisfactory literary form, consistent with the discipline concerned, and must display a scholarly approach to the subject and thorough knowledge of it. A critical review of previous work related to the subject should usually be given. A candidate will not be permitted to submit a thesis for which he or she has previously received a degree; however, with the permission of the Dean of Faculty, he or she may incorporate into the thesis material that was included in a previous thesis.
12.2 Bachelor's Thesis
The thesis is a requirement of the Bachelor's degree.
Oral Examinations
Candidates are ordinarily required to undertake an oral examination of the thesis. Please check Thesis Specifications for submission deadlines. The Bachelor's thesis will be examined by a board consisting of at least two members, including the thesis supervisor, and the Dean of the School concerned (orone additional member from the School concerned). The Dean of the School concerned will announce the constitution of the examining board; both it and the thesis examination process are defined by guidelines, principles, and practices prescribed by the SITE.
Thesis Weight
Thesis weight (6 credits) must be identified at the time of registration.
12.3 Master's Thesis
The thesis is not a requirement of the Master's degree. However, the thesis must be expressed in a satisfactory literary form, consistent with the discipline concerned, and must display a scholarly approach to the subject and thorough knowledge of it. A critical review of previous work related to the subject should usually be given.
The master's thesis should embody the results of successful scholarly research in a specialized area. It should exhibit the candidate's knowledge of recognized techniques of investigation and critical evaluation, and be presented in an organized and systematic way.
Oral Examinations
Candidates are ordinarily required to undertake an oral examination of the thesis. Please check Thesis Specifications for submission deadlines. The master's thesis will be examined by a board consisting of at least three members, including the thesis supervisor, the Dean of the School concerned, and one additional member from the School concerned (or an examiner from a School other than that of the candidate). The Dean of the School concerned will announce the constitution of the examining board; both it and the thesis examination process are defined by guidelines, principles, and practices prescribed by the UIBE.
Thesis Weight
Thesis weight (6 credits) must be identified at the time of registration.
12.4 PhD Thesis
The thesis is not a requirement of the PhD degree. The doctoral dissertation must report, in an organized and scholarly fashion, the results of original research. The thesis must be a contribution to knowledge and must demonstrate the candidate's ability to undertake sustained research and to present his/her findings in a appropriate manner.
Oral Examinations
The thesis must be defended successfully at an oral examination. The doctoral thesis will be examined by a board consisting of at least three members, including the thesis supervisor, the Dean of the School concerned, and one additional member from the School concerned (or an examiner from a School other than that of the candidate). The Dean of the School concerned will announce the constitution of the examining board; both it and the thesis examination process are defined by guidelines, principles, and practices prescribed by the UIBE.
12.5 Specifications
The candidate is expected to notify his/her supervisor and the chair of the department at least two weeks in advance of the date on which he/she intends to submit the completed thesis. The candidate is then expected to submit four copies of the completed thesis to the department at least four weeks in advance of the intended date of examination. The thesis examination and defence will then be scheduled and the date will be announced at least two weeks in advance. The department must deposit one copy of the thesis to the office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (or Faculty of Undergraduate studies) at least two weeks in advance of the actual date for the examination and defence.
Before Oral Examination, the candidate must first submit four printed copies (original and three acceptable duplicated copies, on bond paper) and must comply with the special School's requirements governing the form of the thesis, including methods of bibliographical entry and the use of diagrams and tables.
After Oral Examination£¬the candidate must submit five printed copies of final version and one CD-Disket which includes three copies of the thesis to the Administrative Director (or Program Advisor)
Each thesis must be accompanied by a suitable abstract. The abstract of the thesis should not exceed 150 words.
Regulations regarding style, pagination, certification, acceptance, grade and size of paper, abstracts, reproduction, microfilming, binding, and the constitution of the examining board will be prescribed by the SITE
12.4 Withholding of Thesis Deposition
If, at the time of submitting his/her thesis, the student elects to protect any rights to immediate commercial publication, or to obtain a patent which may arise from his/her research, or to keep his/her thesis out of circulation for other reasons, he/she may apply in writing to the Dean of SITE requesting that the thesis be withheld from deposit in the library:
The student must submit any request for extension of the restriction one month prior to the termination of the previous period. The student and his/her supervisor will be required to justify the extension of the restriction. Subsequent requests must follow the same procedure. |
13. Time Limits for Program Completion
13.1 General Remarks
There are minimum and maximum time limits for the completion of programs.
13.2 Undergraduate Program
The program is four-year undergraduate Program; the minimum length of stay in the program is four calendar years. However, the maximum time for completion of a bachelor's degree is within six years. This time limit is counted from the time that the students enter the undergraduate program regardless of any leave of absence taken. Students who successfully finish the program will receive the Bachelor of Economics.
13.2 Master's Program
Full-time master's candidates must complete their degree requirements within three calendar (nine consecutive terms) years after the date of initial registration. Students admitted to a 37 credit master's program (that is, in the International Graduate Program in Applied Economics) must complete their degree requirements within nine terms of registered full-time study. Terms of non-registration are equated to full-time registration terms when calculating the overall time to program completion.
13.3 PhD program
Students should expect to take about four to five years (and are permitted no more than ten years) to complete a Ph.D. in economics. The school requires a minimum of 4 years duration including accumulative 3 years in-campus study. This time limit is counted from the beginning of a student's entry into the program, regardless of any leave of absence taken. Candidature will automatically lapse if the student has not received the degree within the prescribed time limit. SITE believes that the PhD program takes place in a community of scholars engaged in ongoing research, discussion, and intellectual exchange.Therefore students are expected to devote themselves full time to the program, excluding any other occupation or employment.
13.4 Exemption from Time Limit
When exemption from registration for a term or terms has been approved by the Dean of the SITE, this period will be exempt from the overall time limit allowed for completion of the program. An administration charge for each term of exemption from the time limit must accompany each request.
13.5 Extension of Time Limit
In exceptional cases, an extension of time permitting further registration (one or two terms) may be granted to a candidate whose recent progress, as judged by the School, has been otherwise satisfactory. Requests for extension of time should be directed to the Office of International Students of the SITE. For instance, undergraduate students who are on the military duty will have seven years to complete bachelor's degree An administration charge for each term of extension beyond the normal time limit must accompany each request.
13.6 Grade Review
Within two weeks of the release of grades or the announcement of examination by committee (research essay or thesis) results, a graduate student may request, through the Administrative Director, that one or more of his/her grades or results be reviewed. The results of examination by committee (including research essay or thesis examinations) will only be reviewed on procedural grounds. Grades for other courses will be reviewed through the submission of all or part of the written coursework anonymously to two re-readers, whose average grade will replace the original of the reviewed work. Parts of grades based on non-written work (e.g., participation) will not be reviewed. The charge for such a review is CN£¤400, which must accompany the review request. Note: The review process will not take place if the fee is not remitted. If the grade is raised, the CN£¤400 charge is refundable.
13.6 Program Review
A graduate student has the right to request a review of decisions made concerning his/her graduate status or any other ruling relating to his/her program. All such requests are to be made in writing to the SITE |
14. Instructional Offences
The University has enacted the following regulations for instructional offences at the graduate level:
Any student commits an instructional offence who:
(a) cheats on an examination, test, or graded assignment by obtaining or producing an answer by deceit, fraud, or trickery, or by some act contrary to the rules of the examination
(b) submits substantially the same piece of written work to two different courses. Minor modifications and amendments or changes of phraseology do not constitute a significant and acceptable reworking of an essay or paper
(c) contravenes the regulations published at an examination or which are displayed on the reverse side of a properly authorized examination booklet
(d) commits an act of plagiarism. Plagiarism will be deemed to have occurred when a student either:
¡¡¡¡(i) directly copies another's work without acknowledgement; or
¡¡¡¡(ii) closely paraphrases the equivalent of a short paragraph or more without acknowledgement; or
¡¡¡¡(iii) borrows, without acknowledgement, any ideas in a clear and recognizable form in such a way as to present them as the student's own thought, where such ideas, if they were the student's own, would contribute to the merit of his or her own work
(e) disrupts a class or other period of instruction if he or she:
¡¡¡¡(i) is a registered member of the class or period of instruction
¡¡¡¡(ii) is warned to discontinue any act or behaviour reasonably judged by the instructor of the course or period of instruction to be detrimental to the class, and having ignored such warning is ordered by the instructor to leave and refuses to leave
(f) Any student found in violation of these regulations may be:
¡¡¡¡(i) expelled
¡¡¡¡(ii) suspended from all studies at the University
¡¡¡¡(iii) suspended from full-time studies; and/or
¡¡¡¡(iv) awarded a reprimand
¡¡¡¡(v) refused permission to continue or to register in a specific degree program, but subject to having met all academic requirements shall be permitted to register and continue in some other program
¡¡¡¡(vi) placed on academic probation
¡¡¡¡(vii) awarded a Fail or Absent in a course or examination
Allegations of instructional offence may be investigated by instructors and/or School's chairs and, in all cases, will be reported to the dean. The dean will review the allegation and if not resolved at that level, the allegation becomes subject to final disposition by a tribunal appointed by the University. |
15. Graduation
15.1 Conferring of Degrees
On the recommendation of the Faculty of undergraduate and Graduate Studies and with the approval of the Senate of the University, degrees are conferred by the Chancellor only in June and December.
15.2 Application Deadlines
Candidates may have their degrees certified in June each year; they must apply by March 1. Students expecting to graduate in January must apply for graduation in the Office of International Students by October 1. Those expecting to graduate at the summer term must apply by June 1.
15.3 Transfer of Credit
Normally, credits completed at another university may not be accepted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements, provided that the course is appropriate to the candidate's program at SITE. Under special circumstances, credits may be allowed. For details of the rules governing transfer of credits, please contact the Administrative Director (or Program Advisor).
15.4 Thesis Regulations
The thesis must represent the result of the candidate's independent research or development work, undertaken after admission to Undergraduate and Graduate School at the University. Experimental or theoretical results previously published by the candidate may be used only as introductory or background material for the thesis. A candidate may be permitted to carry on thesis research work off campus, provided the work is approved in advance, and arrangements have been made for supervision of thesis research activities by a faculty member of the University.
15.5 Convocation
UIBE holds the convocation once a year; it will usually take place on campus in the end of June. You will be notified, by email, from the Office of International Students about the success of your application to graduate, and also indicating the specific time of your ceremony. Academic gowns are worn by all candidates doing the ceremony.Students can either buy or borrow hoods and gowns. |
16 Chinese Laws and Regulations Related to International Students at UIBE
16.1 ¡°Law of the People's Republic of China on Aliens' Entry and Exit¡±.
a. If you have arrived in China with an X visa, you must apply for your residence permit to the Aliens' Exit & Entry Administration office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau within 30 days after your entry;
b. You must keep your passport or residence permit with you all through the time period of your study in China;
c. With your valid residence permit or F visa you can make a trip out of China, but you must apply for your re-entry visa at the local public security office seven days before you leave China; (This regulation also applies to a trip to Hong Kong.)
d. If you wish to reside in a Chinese home, you must report to the local public security office within 24 hours;
e. You mustn't take up a job or do any business all through the time period of your study in China. Note: You must keep in mind the date of expiry.
According to the ¡°Law of the People's Republic of China on Demonstrations and Marches¡±, You mustn't stir up a demonstration or a march or join in any demonstration or march held by Chinese citizens in China.
According to the ¡°Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Order¡±, all the following cases are violations of the public order:
a. Gang-fighting, disorder-inciting, sexual harassment and any involvement in prostitution.
b. Drugs-taking or-injection.
c. Theft, swindle, and destruction or robbery of any public properties or personal belongings.
d Drunk-driving and no-license driving by the car owner himself or any of his acquaintances.
All the students, including international students, are not allowed to drive the motorcycle on campus.
According the ¡°regulations of the Beijing Municipality on Pets-keeping¡±, no one, whether Chinese or alien, is allowed to keep any pet on campus.
In case you have found your personal belongings lost or stolen, you must keep the scene intact, and report the case in the Office of the School of International Education, the Security Office on campus and the local public security office. In case your passport or residence permit is lost, you must repot to the Aliens' Exit & Entry Administration office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.
As a resident in the international students apartments on campus, you must tell your visitor to register at the front desk and you mustn't put him up in your room for the night without any permit. As is always the case, you are protected by the law, and in the meantime any case of violation of the law is punishable. You are most welcome to the School of International Education, and we are willing to offer you any consulting service. |
17 Regulations for International Students Living off Campus of UIBE
According to the government regulations, foreign students who live off-campus must live in housing that has been approved as a legal residence for foreigners. If they choose to live in housing that has not been approved as legal residence for foreigners, their rights will not be protected by law.
If students would like to move off campus during their study period, they have to go through the following procedures:
1) Obtain from the local police station an approval for residing temporarily at the new address.
2) Bring your Passport and Residence Permit to the School of International Education and fill out the application for the change of address.
3) Bring your Passport, Residence Permit and the Application for Change of Address to the Aliens' Exit and Entry Administration Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau to go through the necessary procedures.
4) Bring all the relevant documents to the School of International Education and hand in the "move-out" application. You can only move out after obtaining the approval.
Those living off campus who would like to change place of living should go through the same procedures. |
18 Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens
(Adopted at the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. 31 of the President of the People's Republic of China on November 22, 1985, and effective as of February 1, 1986)
18.1 General Provisions
Article 1
This Law is formulated with a view to safeguarding the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China, maintaining its security and public order and facilitating international exchange.
This Law is applicable to aliens entering, leaving and transiting the territory of the People's Republic of China and to those residing and traveling in China.
Article 2
Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government in order to enter, transit or reside in China.
Article 3
For entry, exit and transit, aliens must pass through ports open to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection by the frontier inspection offices. For entry, exit and transit, foreign-owned means of transport must pass through ports open to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the frontier inspection offices.
Article 4
The Chinese Government shall protect the lawful rights and interests of aliens on Chinese territory.
Freedom of the person of aliens is inviolable. No alien may be arrested except with the approval or by decision of a people's procurator or by decision of a people's court, and arrest must be made by a public security organ or state security organ.
Article 5
Aliens in China must abide by Chinese laws and may not endanger the state security of China, harm public interests or disrupt public order.
18.2 Entry into the Country
Article 6
For entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In specific situations aliens may, in compliance with the provisions of the State Council, apply for visas to visa-granting offices at ports designated by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government. The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreements with the Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements. In cases where another country has special provisions for Chinese citizens entering and transiting that country, the competent authorities of the Chinese Government may adopt reciprocal measures contingent on the circumstances. Visas are not required for aliens in immediate transit on connected
international flights who hold passenger tickets and stay for no more than 24 hours in China entirely within airport boundaries. Anyone desiring to leave the airport temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier inspection office.
Article 7
When applying for various kinds of visas, aliens shall present valid passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidence.
Article 8
Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall, when applying for visas, produce evidence of the invitation or employment.
Article 9
Aliens desiring to reside permanently in China shall, when applying for visas, present status-of-residence identification forms. Applicants may obtain such forms from public security organs at the place where they intend to reside.
Article 10
The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shall issue appropriate visas to aliens according to the purposes stated in their entry applications.
Article 11
When an aircraft or a vessel navigating international routes arrives at a Chinese port, the captain or his agent must submit a passenger name list to the frontier inspection office; a foreign aircraft or vessel must also provide a name list of its crew members.
Article 12
Aliens who are considered a possible threat to China's state security and public order shall not be permitted to enter China.
18.3 Residence
Article 13
For residence in China, aliens must possess identification papers or residence certificates issued by the competent authorizes of the Chinese Government. The term of validity of identification papers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry.
Aliens residing in China shall submit their certificates to the local public security organs for examination within the prescribed period of time.
Article 14
Aliens who, in compliance with Chinese laws, find it necessary to establish prolonged residence in China for the purpose of investing in China or engaging in cooperative projects with Chinese enterprises or institutions in the economic, scientific, technological and cultural fields, or for other purposes, are eligible for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
Article 15
Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
Article 16
Aliens who fail to abide by Chinese laws may have their period of stay in China curtailed or their status of residence in China annulled by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
Article 17
For a temporary overnight stay in China, aliens shall complete registration procedures pursuant to the relevant provisions.
Article 18
Aliens holding residence certificates who wish to change their place of residence in China must complete removal formalities pursuant to the relevant provisions.
Article 19
Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or who are on a study programme in China may not seek employment in China without permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
18.4 Travel
Article 20
Aliens who hold valid visas or residence certificates may travel to places open to aliens as designated by the Chinese Government.
Article 21
Aliens desiring to travel to places closed to aliens must apply to local public security organs for travel permits.
18.5 Exit from the Country
Article 22
For exit from China, aliens shall present their valid passports or other valid certificates.
Article 23
Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed to leave China:
1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a public security organ, a people's procurator or a people's court;
2) persons who, as notified by a people's court, shall be denied exit owing to involvement in unresolved civil cases; and
3) persons who have committed other acts in violation of Chinese law who have not been dealt with and against whom the competent authorities consider it necessary to institute prosecution.
Article 24
Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliens belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal with them according to law:
1) holders of invalid exit certificates;
2) holders of exit certificates other than their own; and
3) holders of forged or altered exit certificates.
18.6 Administrative Organs
Article 25
China's diplomatic missions, consular offices and other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the Chinese Government's agencies abroad to handle aliens' applications for entry and transit.
The Ministry of Public Security, its authorized local public security organs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized local foreign affairs departments shall be the Chinese Government's agencies in China to handle aliens' applications for entry, transit, residence and travel.
Article 26
The authorities handling aliens' applications for entry, transit, residence and travel shall have the power to refuse to issue visas and certificates or to cancel visas and certificates already issued or declare them invalid.
The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may, when necessary, alter decisions made by their respectively authorized agencies.
Article 27
An alien who enters or resides in China illegally may be detained for examination or be subjected to residential surveillance or deportation by a public security organ at or above the county level.
Article 28
While performing their duties, foreign affairs police of the public security organs at or above the county level shall have the power to examine the passports and other certificates of aliens. When conducting such examinations, the foreign affairs police shall produce their own service certificates, and relevant organizations or individuals shall have the duty to offer them assistance.
18.7 Penalties
Article 29
If a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law, enters or leaves China illegally, establishes illegal residence or makes an illegal stopover in China, travels to places closed to aliens without a valid travel document, forges or alters an entry or exit certificate, uses another person's certificate as his own or transfers his certificate, he may be penalized by a public security organ at or above the county level with a warning, a fine or detention for not more than ten days. If the circumstances of the case are serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law. If an alien subject to a fine or detention by a public security organ refuses to accept the penalty, he may, within 15 days of receiving notification, appeal to the public security organ at the next higher level, which shall make the final decision; he may also directly file suit in the local people's court.
Article 30
In cases where a person commits any of the acts stated in Article 29 of this Law, if the circumstances are serious, the Ministry of Public Security may impose a penalty by ordering him to leave the country within a certain time or may expel him from the country.
18.8 Supplementary Provisions
Article 31
For the purposes of this Law the term "alien" means any person not holding Chinese nationality according to the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China.
Article 32
Transitory entry into and exit from China by aliens who are nationals of a country adjacent to China and who reside in areas bordering on China shall be handled according to any relevant agreements between the two countries or, in the absence of such agreements, according to the relevant provisions of the Chinese Government.
Article 33
The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall, pursuant to this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
Article 34
Affairs concerning members of foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices in the People's Republic of China and other aliens who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities, after their entry into China, shall be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council and its competent departments.
Article 35
This Law shall go into effect on February 1, 1986. |
19 Regulations for International Students Living off Campus of UIBE
According to the government regulations, foreign students who live off-campus must live in housing that has been approved as a legal residence for foreigners. If they choose to live in housing that has not been approved as legal residence for foreigners, their rights will not be protected by law. If students would like to move off campus during their study period, they have to go through the following procedures:
1) Obtain from the local police station an approval for residing temporarily at the new address.
2) Bring your Passport and Residence Permit to the School of International Education and fill out the application for the change of address.
3) Bring your Passport, Residence Permit and the Application for Change of Address to the Aliens' Exit and Entry Administration Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau to go through the necessary procedures.
4) Bring all the relevant documents to the School of International Education and hand in the "move-out" application. You can only move out after obtaining the approval.
Those living off campus who would like to change place of living should go through the same procedures. |
20 Academic Integrity
20.1 Introduction
Academic dishonesty in whatever form is ultimately destructive to the values of the University. It is unfair and discouraging to those students who pursue their studies honestly. Students who violate the principle of academic integrity through dishonest practices undermine the value of the UIBE. Any student who violates the standards of academic integrity will be subject to appropriate sanctions.
20.2 The Policy
The University has adopted a policy to deal with allegations of academic misconduct.
A. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the action of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it.
B. Misrepresentation
Students shall not submit or present false assignments, research, credentials, or other documents or misrepresent material facts for any academic purpose. Examples of misrepresentation include:
- concocted facts or references;
- medical or compassionate certificates;
- admission documents;
- letters of support or other letters of reference;
- academic records, transcripts, diplomas or other registrar records;
- changing a score or record of an examination result and/or
- Altering graded work for resubmission.
C. Disruption of Classroom Activities or Periods of Instruction
The SITE has a commitment to provide a learning environment for students and professors. It is a violation of the standards of academic integrity for student registered in class to disrupt the class or other period of instruction with any action or behavior reasonably judged by the instructor, or tutorial assistant to be detrimental to the class.
D. Improper Access
It is a violation of the standards of academic integrity to improperly obtain access to confidential information such as examinations or test questions or to gain undue academic advantage as result of such behavior.
E. Tests and Examinations
The SITE is committed to ensuring fairness and consistency in the completion of examinations.
20.3 Procedures
Instructors, supervisors must report all suspected cases of violation ?to the Faculty Dean.
20.4 Sanctions
Sanctions may include but are not limited to completion of a remediation process, a written reprimand, assignment of a failing grade, withdrawal from a course, suspension from a program, suspension or expulsion from the University.
20.5 Examination Regulations
The University is committed to ensuring fairness and consistency in the completion of examinations. As part of this commitment, students are required to follow proper examinations procedures. An instructional Offence may occur by breaking one of the following formal examination rules that are also included on the back of the examination booklet:
a. You may not bring to your seat in the Examination Room, or during the examination refer to, any books, papers, audio or electronic devices or other aids unless the use of such material/equipment is authorized by the examiner on the examination paper.
b., You may not communicate in any manner with anyone except proctors or instructors from the time your examination begins until your completed examination has been collected by a proctor.
c. You may not enter the Examination Room after the first half-hour of the examination.
d. You may not leave the Examination Room during the first half-hour of the examination, except certain circumstances, and you must sign the Examination Signing Sheet before leaving.
e., The only time you may leave the Examination Room with the intention of retuning is to use the washroom. You must sign out, and back in, on the sheet provided.
f. You must leave all brief cases, large purses, books, pencil cases, calculator cases, etc. in a place specified by a supervisors.
g. When you have completed your examination, give a proctor all used and unused answer books and/or answer sheets and the question paper (if required) before leaving the Examination Room. |
21 Regulations governing changing major in the same Faculty/other Faculty
21.1 Once a student has confirmed his/her study major, he/she is not allowed to switch to another major in principle. In any case of the following, it is possible to apply for a switch:
- Due to special sickness or physical imperfection approved by the medical institute designated by the University that it is impossible to study at the current major but possible to continue with another major. (One who defaults on his/her sickness before entering the university is not allowed to switch to another major, and will be dealt with leaving school.)
- If a student possesses talent in a particular field, he/she can apply for a switch. The faculty which the student currently studies may make recommendations and the faculty which the student will switch into will assess the student, so that the student will be better off after he/she switches to the desired major.
Students who have special difficulties are approved by the University and are not able to continue studying without switching to another major.
21.2 Undergraduates who want to switch to another major ought to propose before entering the third year; Graduate and PhD students are not allowed to switch to another major in principle after entering the degree study period.
21.3 Application procedures for switching to another major:
- Undergraduate students who want to switch to another major within the faculty ought to propose a written application to be approved by the Dean in the current faculty, who will then report to the School of International Education for approval and report to the Academic Division.
- Undergraduate students who want to switch to another major across faculty (in a different faculty) ought to propose a written application to be approved by the Dean in the current faculty and evaluated by the faculty which the student will switch in, who will then report to the School of International Education for approval and report to the Academic Division.
- Graduate students who want to switch to another major ought to propose a written application before entering the degree study period to be approved by bothDeans from the two faculties/majors, who will then report to the School of International Education for approval and report to the Graduate Division.
a) Switching to another major for next semester must be handled before the middle of current semester.
b) These regulations are put into force upon the date of issue.
c) The School of International Education retains the right to these regulations.
22 Regulations of Requesting for Qingjia (absence) Governing Degree Foreign Students
22.1 If a student is not able to attend lecture or activity organized by the School and/or University, he/she ought to follow the procedures of making a Qingjia (absence) regardless of any case.
22.2 A student is not allowed to make a Qingjia (absence) in normal cases during the study period, but in the special circumstance, he/she ought to follow the procedures of making a Qingjia (absence) request according to the rules below:
- Requesting for Qingjia (absence) within one day: the student ought to explain to the administrative officer in charge of the class, who will then report to the lecturer after permission.
- Requesting for Qingjia (absence) up to two days: the student ought to provide the administrative officer in charge of the class with evidence and follow the procedures of making a request, which has to be permitted by the leader in charge of the faculty and reported to the School of International Education. After the permission, the administrative officer in charge of the class will then report to the lecturer.
22.3 If a student has to make a Qingjia (absence) due to sickness, he/she ought to follow the procedures of making a request according to the rules below:
- Requesting for Qingjia (absence) within one day: the student ought to hand in a note of request to the administrative officer in charge of the class, who will report to the lecturer.
- Requesting for Qingjia (absence) up to two days: Students ought to provide Doctor¡¯s Note to the administrative officer to verify an illness, students must see a physician while they are ill, in order to have it documented.The administrative officer will report to the lecturer after received the Doctor¡¯s Note.
- Requesting for Qingjia (absence) up to five days: Students ought to provide Doctor¡¯s Note to the administrative officer to verify an illness, students must see a physician while they are ill, in order to have it documented.The administrative officer will report to the lecturer after received the Doctor¡¯s Note. The leader in charge of the faculty will confirm and report to the School of International Education about the student¡¯s sickness, then the administrative officer in charge of the class will inform the lecturer about the student¡¯s sickness and absence report.
22.4 If one is not able to follow the procedures of making a Qingjia (absence) in advance for any reasons, he/she ought to make up for the procedures spontaneously in time. Without making up for the procedures or if the stated reasons dissatisfy the conditions for request, absence will be dealt with.
22.5 Without making a request, or if the request is not permitted or in case of overtime without prolongation of the request, absence will be dealt with.
22.6 If a student needs to cross border, he/she ought to register at the School of International Education regardless of any reason; otherwise, he/she would bear all the consequences that might occur on his/her own.
22.7 Regardless of any reason, if a student¡¯s request for Qingjia (absence) exceeds one-third of the total study hours for a particular course within one semester, he/she is not allowed to take the final exam for that course. |
23 Regulations of Attendance and Disciplines Governing Degree Foreign Students
23.1 Students must attend every activity organized by the University. Attendance is required for both lectures and practicum. Absence is detected in the case of no request or over a prolonged period of time.
23.2 In the circumstances of not attending practicum according to the academic plan for no reason or delay in returning to school after holidays, four study hours are counted for absence per day. In the circumstances of being late for lectures or early leaving up to five minutes once, one study hour is counted for absence.
23.3 If a student is not able to attend lecture or activity in time for reasons, he/she ought to request for Qingjia (absence) in advance according to ¡®Regulations of Requesting for Break Governing Degree Foreign Students at University of International Business and Economics¡¯. If one is not able to make a Qingjia (absence) request in advance for reasons, he/she ought to make up for the request procedure afterwards, if the reasons do not satisfy the conditions that permit the request, absence will be dealt with.
23.4 Attendance is supervised by the administrative offices under every faculty, in a combined way such that the head of class lists the attendance and lecturers call for students¡¯ names randomly. Every faculty reports to the School of International Education monthly (before the 5th of every month). Absence is dealt with for the students with poor attendance without sensible reasons. Academic Division, Academic Advisors, Academic Staff, Tutors, Faculties and University Leaders all have the responsibility and power to randomly check students¡¯ attendance.
23.5 Absence is dealt with according to the regulations of ¡®Specifications of Penalty on the Breach of Disciplines at University and International Business and Economics¡¯. The relevant faculty proposes the decision for penalty and reports to the School of International Education, which will then publicize the decision of penalty.