 2.Associate Professors
 3.Assistant Professors
 1, General Requirements
 2, Course Requirements
 3, Program Highlights
 4, Course Descriptions
 5, Tuition Fee
 6, Academic Calendar
 7, Contact Us
 1. General Requirements
 2. Course Requirements
 3. Program Highlight
 4. Course Descriptions
 5. Tuition
 6. Academic Calendar
 7. Contact Us
 1.General Regulation
 2.Tuition Fees
 3.Tuition Refunds
 4.Other Fees
 5.Payment Methods
 6.Student Accounts with a Debt Balance
 7.Calculating your Expenses
 1.General Information
 2.Undergraduate Course Requirements
 3.Master degree Course Requirements
 4.PhD Course Requirements
 5.Audit & Withdraw Courses
 6.Undergraduate Courses
 7.Graduate Courses
 1. Discovery China Program
 2. Program schedule
 3. Application Procedure
 4. Payment Procedure
 5. Withdrawal and visa
 6. Application Form
 7. Contact Us
 1.General Information
 2.Course Requirements in International Economics Specialization
 3.Course Requirements in Finance Specialization
 4.Course Requirements in Industrial Economics Specialization
 5.Program requirements
 6.Important Date
 7.Contact Us

Here is a list of current graduate students who would like to be considered for employment. We strongly suggest that employers contact candidates directly. However, if you are having difficulty contacting someone, please contact Jane Lee, Administrative Direct by calling at (86-10) 6449-2003 or by e-mail janelee@uibe.edu.cn. Please Note: It is the responsibility of the candidate to remove their name from the list if they no longer wish to be considered for employment.


Master students

  Bente Wittmaack

  Pongthawat Sunsaneeyasoontorn


Bachelor students




UIBE, Boxue Building 11th floor, 10 Huixing Dongjie Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029 China
Tel: (86-10) 6449-2003 Fax: (86-10) 6449-3220 Email: janelee@uibe.edu.cn