The University reserves a right to change tuition fees, late registration fees, late payments fees, application fees and refund polices without notice. Tuition fees are usually reviewed in the spring of each year. |
2.1 Undergraduate Tuition Fees
The University schedule of fees for undergraduate students is given below. Applicants from overseas must have sufficient funding for tuition, fees and living expenses.
Full-Time Students
For the incoming Bachelor degree students, the Tuition Fees are as below.
First-year tuition:¥52000 (Chinese Yuan)
Second-year Tuition:¥59000 (Chinese Yuan)
Third-year Tuition: ¥49000 (Chinese Yuan)
Fourth-year Tuition: ¥39000 (Chinese Yuan)
*There are three terms in one academic year, but the annual cost of tuition is coving only fall and spring semesters and not including summer term except HUM150 and Practicum courses.
Part-time students (include visiting and special students)
Tuition fees for non-degree students are charged on a credit basis. The rate for each credit is ¥1500 (Chinese Yuan)
2.2 International Graduate Program-Tuition Fees: CN¥2680 per credit
Full-Time students (Degree students)
The tuition fee for the International Graduate Program is:
One-year Program Fee: CN¥99.160 (max. 37 credits)
Tuitions are due and payable at the time of registration period of each term; however, Full-Time degree students are required to pay at least CN¥50,000 for the first term. The payments will be applied to the refundable tuition fees; the cost of class materials and required software are not included in the cost of tuition. After completing your course selection during a registration period, you will be required to complete tuition payment arrangements in order to finalize your registration.
Part-time students (include visiting and special students) Tuition fees for non-degree students are charged on a credit basis. The rate for each credit is ¥2680 (Chinese Yuan).
2.3 International PhD Program-Tuition Fees: CN¥2680 per credit
Tuitions are due and payable at the time of registration period of each term; however, Full-Time degree students are required to pay at least CN¥50,000 for the first term. The payments will be applied to the refundable tuition fees; the cost of class materials and required software are not included in the cost of tuition. After completing your course selection during a registration period, you will be required to complete tuition payment arrangements in order to finalize your registration.
2.4 Discovery China Program
All applicants must pay US$100 deposit and US$50 application fee (except early applicants) upon selection to the program. The remaining balance of the tuition must be paid in full, in order to ensure your enrollment in the program. Tuition fee is US$600 for each session, this includes instruction (5 lectures), course materials, Introductory Chinese Mandarin, Field Trips, culture activities, welcome and Farewell dinners. However, this does not include accommodations and meals for the residential session.
·Completed application form (attached or download at http://site.uibe.edu.cn/site)
·A copy of Passport
·US$50 non-refundable application fee
·US$100 deposit (applied to your tuition)
Application Fee US$50
Tuition US$600
Total US$650
Other Fees
Deposit US$100
Discovery Tour US$1000
Dormitory (Single) CN¥240/day (approx.US$30/day)
Dormitory (Double) CN¥120/day(approx.US$15/day)
Homestay (one room)* CN¥300/day(approx. US$39/day)
*. all fees are subject to change without notices and the Homestay includes breakfasts.
2.5 Tuition fees for auditing courses
Students may register to audit courses (i.e. attend without receiving credit) in addition to those course being taken for credit. Although audited courses receive no academic credit they are counted as part of the total course load for both academic and fee assessment purposes.(see courses).
Tuition for auditing courses: full-time students who are taking more than 9 credit courses may register to audit a course without an additional fee (maximum 4 credits); all others must pay the regular course fee.
Full-time students: FREE
Exchange students may be permitted to audit a course: CN¥2680 per credit
3.1 Course changes & Tuition Refunds
Tuition refunds are not automatic, except for courses cancelled by the School.
If a student wishes to change courses, the student must inform Administrative Director or Program Coordinator. A change within the term deadline will result in a 100 percent refund. A change after the term deadline date will result in NO 100 percent refund. Each term has one deadline. Term deadline dates are firm!
100 percent Refund Deadline
Fall session: September 10
Spring session: January 20
Summer session: May 27
3.2 Drop Deadlines & Tuition Refund
Students, who withdraw from a course, or from the program, are required to notify their Administrative Director or Program Coordinator in writing.
Drop deadlines: Fall-November 10, Spring-March 10, Summer-June 20.
Tuition refunds are not automatic, except for courses cancelled by the School. If a student wishes to change the courses, the student must inform an Administrative Director or Program Coordinator of the Program. A fee adjustment will be calculated according to the effective date of the withdrawal. A fee adjustment may be made for withdrawals before the Drop deadlines. This adjustment will amount to the composite fee less a registration charge calculated at the rate ¥250 per credit (each class) for students for withdrawals prior to November 10 (Spring- to March10/Summer- to June 20). A detailed schedule of withdrawal credits is available at the Office of International Students and Scholars..
Refunds after the Deadlines Policy: There is no tuition refund after the refund period passed. No requests for refunds will be considered once the withdrawal period for a class session error, an extended illness or major medical emergency occurring during the session (a written verification by the attending physician is required), death of the student or a member of the student’s immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife or child), a national emergency. It is important that the request is submitted as soon as possible. If a refund is grated, it will be sent to your address that is fielded with the Administrative Office. If the refund is denied, you will receive a letter explaining that a refund was not possible.
3.3Withdraw and Fee adjustment
Students, who withdraw from a course, or from the program, are required to notify their Program Coordinator in writing. A fee adjustment will be calculated according to the effective date of the withdrawal/change. A fee adjustment may be made for withdrawals before the Drop deadlines. This adjustment will amount to the composite fee less a registration charge calculated at the rate ¥250 per credit (each class) for students for withdrawals prior to November 10 (Spring- to March10/Summer- to June 20). A detailed schedule of withdrawal credits is available at the Office of International Students and Scholars (Boxue Building #1109). The appropriate withdrawal credit will be applied to the student's account and any amounts due at that time will be offset before a cash refund is prepared.
3.4 Withdrawal from the Discovery China program
Participates who withdraw from the program after acceptance, but before the session will forfeit their deposit. Those who withdraw after the session will forfeit their full fees. |
4.1 Late Registration fees CN¥400
The late registration fees apply when registration arrangements are made after the registration deadlines, usually before the first classes. In other words, your registration must be arranged before August 28 for fall term, before January 7 for spring term and before May22 for summer term. Late registration fees are non-refundable.
4.2 Late Payments Fees CN¥400
After completing your course selection during a registration period, you will be required to complete tuition payment arrangements in order to finalize your registration. The late tuition fees apply when payment arrangements are made after the payment deadlines, usually after the first two weeks of classes. In other words, your payment arrangements must be recorded on your account before September 10 for fall term, before January 20 for spring term and before May 26 for summer term. Late Tuition fees are non-refundable.
4.3 Transcript charge
There is NO fee for official transcripts if students pick up by themselves. Otherwise, students need to pay the mailing fees. Please allow 3 working days for the processing of transcript requests |
Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover your tuition fees and have allowed enough times to allow for processing to avoid late charges if wiring tuition and fees. Students will pay for service charges at the bank. Payments not received, processed, and posted to students’ account by the appropriate scheduled deadlines will be considered late and be susceptible to a late penalty.
You may pay by any of the following methods:
Method 1: A students with an International Bank Account; to send funds to the University from an international Bank account, use the following information
International Wire Transfer
Beneficiary Name: University of International Business and Economics
Bank Account No.: 11001—142210003002
Accounting Bank INFO: China Construction Bank
Beijing Branch, Hepingli sub branch.??
Method 2: Student who has a Chinese Bank Account (only Chinese¥); to send funds to the University from a Chinese Bank account, use the following information
National Wire Transfer
Beneficiary Name: 对外经济贸易大学
Bank Account No: 010903537001201054749-48
Accounting Bank INFO: 北京银行和平里支行 |
Note: Be sure to include your name, student number, and the detail of what the payments is for (e.g. AE tuition, IB tuition, Discovering China Fees, Residence, etc) on the wire information. Wire transfers can take up to 30 business days to be received and processed to your student account.
Method 3: Cash-accepted in person on Campus.
Please come to Huibin Building #111 or call at (86-10) 6449-3321 for your tuition information
Cash, or Bank Card
Place: Huibin Building #208
Mr. Luo, Yi, (86-10) 6449-2325 |
The University’s position regarding debt balance on student accounts is
6.1 Overdue Account
Fees are due and payable at the time of registration. Students are permitted to pay by term; however, payment is due before the third week of classes in each term (except summer term-before second week of summer term). Should a student fail to complete the payments for each term by the last day of classes for that term, the University reserves the right to withhold access to register next term until the balance has been paid.
6.2. Delinquent Account
If a student is indebted to the University at the end of an academic session the student account becomes delinquent. Students with delinquent accounts will not have access to the grades, including official transcripts and will not be permitted to register again until all monies owing have been paid in full and the funds have been cleared d by their banking institution.
The University reserves the right to use any legal means to reclaim monies owing. The policy is applied automatically by the Administrative Office at the end of each term when a student owes the School of International Trade and Economics any money. |
The first step in financial planning is getting an accurate calculation for your costs. If you are planning to study the International Undergraduate and Graduate programs at SITE, you should expect to budget about CN¥137,160 per year.
7.1 First-year Undergraduate Program
Calculating your Expenses (September 2007-August 2008)
Tuition and ancillary fees |
CN¥52000 |
On-campus (Double room in residence, includes meal) |
Off-campus living (Estimate based on ten months rent, one bedroom, shared kitchen/bath. Includes food and transportation) |
Books and Supplies & Personal Expenses (Laundry, entertainment, haircuts, pocket money) |
Approximate cost for one academic year |
CN¥115000 |
7.2 Graduate Programs
Calculating your Expenses (September 2007-August 2008)
Tuition and ancillary fees |
(based on 37 credits) |
On-campus (Double room in residence, includes meal) |
Off-campus living (Estimate based on ten months rent, one bedroom, shared kitchen/bath. Includes food and transportation) |
Books and Supplies & Personal Expenses (Laundry, entertainment, haircuts, pocket money) |
Approximate cost for one academic year |
CN¥137,160 |